Wednesday, February 14

Super Bowl 2024

 I am not a fan of the NFL Super Bowl because it is not really a legitimate test to see which team is better...  I like the NBA's championship because there are playoffs in each region and then the two teams that make it through have to play several games as well.

By playing several games, it allows all of the competing teams to have bad performances throughout the competition while still ultimately winning or losing.  Whereas the NFL Super Bowl is one game and you either play well or you don't.

Super Bowl 2024 was just such a game, at least in my opinion, where the better overall playing team in this game, actually lost.

The 49's outplayed the Chiefs in all four quarters and the quarterback of the 49's outplayed the quarterback of the Chiefs.  For those of you who watched the game, this statement is an obvious one.

The game went into overtime and the new rules state, that overtime is a brand-new game that continues with two possessions.  If after two possessions, no one has a higher score, another two possessions are conducted, until one team has more points.

THEREFORE, the entire Super Bowl could be decided in only two possessions and not just two fresh possessions but after each team has played an entire game and it incredibly tired.

When one team finally wins, does that really mean they were superior to the other team?   NO...

It means they were superior to the other team in two possessions.

Two nights ago, after performing horribly for four quarters, the Chiefs won the super bowl because 4 downs when their way.  And now that are consider not just the champions, but they are the beginning of a dynasty.

Both the 49's and the Chiefs have great teams otherwise they would not have gotten as far as they did, but this super bowl contest was hardly the test to determine who is really the better team.

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