Friday, February 9

Opinionated NEWS

A few years before my wife and I retired in 2015, I began to notice that mainstream media that I was watching like CNN and CBS were not just presenting the news but also offering their opinions and interpretations of the news as well.  I began looking at other stations like ABC and MSNBC and later FOX and realized that they were doing the same thing.

No longer was the news being presented to inform the general public, it was now being presented to change, alter, modify their opinions and belief systems.

In essence, mainstream media was being used to brainwash the minds of the general public.

I already knew that the federal government was withholding information from the general public because they feared that knowing the information would cause a PANIC.  And, to some degree they are correct, but panic or not, the general public still deserves the right to know what is going on.

Withholding information is just as dangerous as disseminating information that is designed to alter or change the way that people think and perceive the world.

These types of tactics have been used in communist countries and dictatorships to keep the public from knowing the truth and wanting to overthrow the government in favor or someone else who allows the truth to be known.

All political parties use the media to convince people to vote for them or for their candidate by providing information that supports their candidate and withholding information that does not.  They fear that the general public is not smart enough to be to discern the truth.

To some degree, I agree this generalization.  I agree because a majority of US citizens are uneducated and do not really care what goes on around them unless it directly impacts them and their quality of life.

It is for this reason that so many women want to be able to have an abortion if and when they desire.  They will vote for those candidates that promise them that the federal government will make sure this happens for them.

ABORTION then clouds the judgement of those people because they are more interested in that one concept than they are in what might be in the best interests of all Americans.

Effectively, they have been brainwashed to believe something that is not altogether true.

While I SUPPORT ABORTION because I don't want the federal government telling me what to do, I also am able to look at the bigger picture and see that those pushing abortion rights are also pushing concepts that are not in the best interest of the USA.



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