Thursday, February 8

It Takes One to Know One

I am a Vietnam Era Veteran, but I did not serve in Vietnam.  I enlisted in the military because I dropped out of college, and no one wanted to hire me because I did not have my military obligation out of the way.

The year was 1968 and I did not want to be drafted so I enlisted in the US Naval Reserves accepting a two by six program.  Two years active duty and four years in the reserves.  I was trained as radioman but cross-rated to a communication technician.  I applied for a three month early out to return to college.

After having spent 21 months on active duty, I was eligible for full GI benefits and my last two years of college and two years of graduate school was completely paid for.  NO STUDENT LOANS.

During my 21 months on active duty, 15 months were spent in Norfolk, Virginia and 6 months were spent in the Mediterranean.  While on the med cruise, I purchased tax free stereo equipment and camera equipment at the Naval Base in Rota, Spain, saving me several hundreds of dollars.

Am I proud to be a US Veteran?   YES and NO...

I do not believe in war and more importantly, I don't believe this government of ours has the right to send Americans overseas to fight other country's wars simply because we want to be everyone's big brother.

On the other side of the coin, I get pissed off and angry because Islamic Terrorists want to kill Americans because they see us as Christians who do not believe in Islam.  And, when they attack US military assets in the Middle East, then I think we should respond like RAMBO would have responded.

  • Let the Arabs fight each other.
  • Let the Arabs fight the Jews.
  • Let the Arabs treat women worse than dogs.
  • Let the Arabs travel the deserts.
  • Let the Arabs sell their oil.


The USA should copy the example of CHINA and while they might supply weapons and money, they don't send troops to fight in other country's wars.  That strategy will allow the Chinese to survive, flourish, and grow.  The USA should be so lucky.

It is time for the USA to think of itself.  We have enough NUCLEAR POWER to completely destroy the rest of the world including ourselves.  If other countries want to achieve that kind of nuclear power, let them.  No one really survives a nuclear war - and those that think they can do so underground will be forced to live underground for several generations and when they return above ground there will be nothing there.


We need to focus ourselves and let the rest of the world do what they will with each other.

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