Tuesday, September 22

Who Are You First?

 Are you an American first or a Black?

Are you an American first or a Hispanic/Latino?

Are you an American first or an Asian?

Are you an American first or a Caucasian?

Are you an American first or a Christian?

Are you an American first or a Muslim?

Are you an American first or an Atheist? 
The only group of which I would not ask this question would be Native Americans...  as the answer would be obvious, even to those born in the USA after 1776.  But, the rest of us are undoubtedly sons and daughters of immigrants who came to this country for a new life.
As a Vietnam Veteran, I have a certain amount of loyalty to my country and I suppose to the government that governs my country, but I wonder if that loyalty would ever be put into a position to be viewed as subordinate to my faith.  And, I understand the phrase, "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and render unto God that which is God's."

But, what if I had to choose between my faith and my country?

For instance...  instead of enlisting in the Navy during the Vietnam War, I challenged the draft and/or the enlistment based upon my faith and my religious conviction against killing...  who would have won?

Suppose you are a black person and you have a choice to burn, riot, and loot cities on behalf of Black Lives Matter in the hopes that Americans will end the racial prejudice with which they have to contend on a regular basis OR, you can decided not to participate, support the country and its law enforcement efforts and change the country legally through the CONGRESS...

I hope that for whatever reason that you are never put into a position where you have to CHOOSE...

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