Monday, September 21

What Have You Got To Lose?

 Here's my thought...

If you have killed someone, not in self defense, then what have you got to lose by killing more people?  Killing more people might get you the death penalty in a court trial but again, THE HANGMAN can only kill you ONCE...
  • One life for one life
  • One life for 5 lives
  • One life for 10 lives
With this type of mentality, politicians can explore all kinds of things to do to their opponents but if caught then they can only be punished ONCE.


Perhaps it does, but what does that do for the country in the process?

What have you got to lose if Biden wins the election in November?
  1. You will get higher taxes
  2. Business will get the restrictions that Trump took off
  3. Democrats will want to limit the second amendment
  4. Democrats will want to censor conservative viewpoints
  5. The stock market will decline
  6. Democrats will try to increase the number on the Supreme Court
  7. Democrats want to make DC and Puerto Rico States increasing seats in House/Senate
  8. Democrats will create open borders
  9. Democrats will lose respect of global countries like Russia, China, North Korea
  10. Democrats will allow Iran to become a nuclear power
Are you like the killer of one person who has NOTHING TO LOSE by killing more people or are you like the conservatives who want our country to grow economically and be the global deterrent of communism???

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