Tuesday, September 8

I Dislike COPS

COP -- the term “cop” was a derogatory term used for police officers in England. Petty street criminals referred to English Bobbies as “cops”, and police officers found this so derogatory that England made it illegal to use the term “cop” to speak of a police officer.

The other name for law enforcement in England was COPPER which referred to the copper buttons on their uniforms.

COP or COPPER or Police, law enforcement by any other name is still law enforcement, but the law enforcement that BOTHERS ME THE MOST are the HIGHWAY PATROLMEN and I used the word "men" because I have never been confronted by a female highway patrol person. 

MOST EVERYONE driving their vehicles on the Interstates exceed the posted speed by 10-15, sometimes 20 miles per hour. This is the NEW NORM... and, I have witnessed, males, females, young, old, and clergy willingly and voluntarily breaking this law on a regular basis.

Now I do think it is appropriate to remove DUI DRIVERS from our roads, highways, and Interstates but speeding is not ever reckless unless one is trying to get around a 18-wheeler and the driver's actions may seem erratic and bold and all of a sudden... but, depth-of-field issues are not the problem.

If Highway Patrolmen feel particularly FRISKY, they will stop the LAST CAR in a PACK of several cars all of which are exceeding the posted speed limits. Typically, these COPS do not mess with PACKS OF CARS.

When I see the phrase PROTECT AND SERVE on a police car nowadays, I laugh inside because their REAL MISSION has very little to do with protect and serve. They are never really protecting us COLLECTIVELY but they do protect one or both parties from domestic violence issue or other assault issues that might develop among people at a bar. 

Otherwise, the drive around or hide in an effort to catch speeders. Hiding to catch speeders is not protecting and serving, it is generating income for the city or county. If someone is driving fast in a residential area, that person should be stopped, but COPS are not around because they are trying to catch speeders on roads that are traveled more frequently.

Oh YEAH... I forgot... they investigate accidents too...

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