Showing posts with label The Quantum Insider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Quantum Insider. Show all posts

Friday, August 9

Brain Fibers & Quantum Entanglement

Most scientists have resisted the concept that quantum physics plays any role in the brain — an environment that Physicist Max Tegmark argued would be “too wet, warm and noisy” for quantum mechanics to play a meaningful role in cognition or consciousness..

However, recent research from China suggests that quantum entanglement—a phenomenon Albert Einstein famously dubbed “spooky action at a distance”—might play a role in the synchronization of neurons in the human brain, according to a New Scientist article.

The study, peer-reviewed in Physical Review E and also referenced in the online pre-print server ArXiv, examine the potential mechanisms by which quantum entanglement could impact neural synchronization and cognition. While both studies propose innovative ideas, they acknowledge the speculative nature of their findings and emphasize the need for further empirical validation.       READ MORE...