Showing posts with label Snoopy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snoopy. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29

Here's An Interesting Little Tidbit...

I woke up this morning at 2:00 am and I maintain 3 blogs daily not counting my Poetry Blog which obviously is exclusively dedicated to poetry...   and, on all three of these blogs, I have written or am in the process of writing about INSOMNIA...

I betcha you can never guess why in the hell I am writing about INSOMNIA at 2:00 in the morning? 

So, let me say this about that...   I have no desire to be sitting in my underwear, here on the couch with my Lenovo Laptop on my lap writing about some bullshit idea at 4:00 in the morning in the hopes that I will get sleepy...

Do I know why I have insomnia?

NO...  not really...  but, it could be my Thyroid medication that I just started taking 4 days ago although I was told it was take a couple of weeks for the meds to start working.

Sometimes, when I start daydreaming in bed at night to fall asleep the details that I am constantly crunching over in my mind have a tendency to keep me from falling asleep...  but, I don't remember if that was the case tonight or not.

I also had some crackers and pimento cheese around 9:30 this evening but eating late at night does not typically keep me from falling asleep either.

Maybe I'll trade in my cats for a dog...

Friday, April 24



When I was working this 4 letters meant a lot but now that I am retired, every day is every other day and each day is part of an on-going weekend and every weekend is part of one long vacation. 

  • I sleep as long as I want to
  • I eat whenever I want to
  • I exercise at different times
  • I do chores when I feel like it
  • I write whatever comes into my mind
  • I wear whatever I desire
  • I take a nap if I have a mind to

You must have noticed that there are a lot of "I's" in that bulleted list...  and if you believe that this is what I really do then you are dumber than I look...  anyone who has half a mind has got to realize that retired life don't mean shit, if you are still married.

So, let's get this straight...  My Wife Calls All The Shots...   and, since kissing her ass for the rest of my life...

she will no doubt live longer than me then I will be
I get to do whatever when and if my wife says I can do whatever...  We have been together for 27 years and even though I retired 5 years ago, I only realized what I just wrote 3 years ago when she retired...

And if you don't stop laughing, Ima gonna slap you stupid...