Showing posts with label SLL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SLL. Show all posts

Friday, January 28

Ongoing Cancer Treatments

Fifteen years ago, or 2007 to be more precise, I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma or SLL and in 2008 started treatment being infused with a drug called RITUXAN.  Two years later, I had a silent heart attack and instead of having a triple bypass, I had 5 stents inserted into 3 left heart ateries, 3 of which went into the LAD.  In 2012, and quite possibly because of my cancer treatments, I contracted Melanoma which started in my foot, spread to my groin, and then to my neck.

Over the course of my cancer treatments, I have had chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, and immunotherapy to simultaneously control my two cancers.  I am not eligible for any clinical trials because I am battling two cancers simultaneously.  Currently, I am being treated with immunotherapy drugs:
  • Opdivo infusions for my Melanoma - monthly infusions
  • Imbruvica (pills) - 240 mg daily
  • IVIG infusions to help boost my immune system

This past Thursday, I had my 55th Opdivo infusion and so far there have been no adverse side effects except for night sweats, anemia, low immunity, and fatigue.  My body seems to be tolerating it fairly well according to what my Oncologist said during our office visit.

On Monday morning, I go in for my monthly infusion of IVIG to help boost my immune system and according to my Oncologist, there is no reason why I cannot have both infusions on the same day...  which is what I will be doing from now on starting in February.  I will have my morning infusion, then go to the cafeteria at the hospital, grab a bite to eat, surf the web, and go to my second infusion an hour or so later and be home by 4/5 that afternoon.  Long day, but don't have to go twice.

As far as I can tell, I will be taking some sort of cancer treatments for the rest of my life, even if the doctors are confident that the Melanoma has left my body and is not returning...  because my SLL is the type Lymphoma that never leaves one's body once it is there.  What a pisser...