Showing posts with label Religious Beliefs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious Beliefs. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13

In What Do I Believe?

  1. that there is a Creator of the Universe
  2. that creation of the Universe was of Intelligent Design
  3. that there are multiple dimension in our universe
  4. that there are other intelligent forms of life in our universe
  5. that all beliefs were given to us by our Creator
  6. that mankind will ultimately destroy itself
  7. that wealth creation is not the intended purpose of life

  1. that there must be some form of regulatory government
    1. to protect and negotiate
    2. to educate
    3. to feed, clothe, and house
    4. to cure when sick
    5. to care for when old
  2. that governmental power be divided into thirds
    1. make the laws
    2. enforce the laws
    3. judge and interpret the laws
  3. that there must be a rule of law
  4. that the population cannot properly govern itself
  5. that the government must be small and well defined
  6. that the people have well defined rights and guarantees
  7. that debt to provide services should be avoided or made illegal
  8. that wars should be fought to protect homeland only
  9. that nations have a fundamental right to conquer 
  10. that all individuals will never be financially equal

As far as the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is concerned:
  1. Our government is not responsible for our happiness
  2. Speech should never be censored
  3. Beliefs should never be denied or used against an individual or group
  4. Individuals have a right to defend themselves
  5. Females have a right to do whatever they want to regarding their bodies
  6. Males and Females will never be equal physically, mentally, or in their skills and abilities
  7. Ethnicities will never be equal physically, mentally, or in their skills and abilities
  8. Manipulation of the people should be prevented

Tuesday, September 29

Life Eternal

 If religious people believe in eternal life, then what is the real purpose of life here on earth from some 80-90 years?

The average life expectancy in the US is 78.87 years...  (2019 data)  However, on average people live longer in the UK 81.16 years.

So, if you are a religious person, then you can spend (ON AVERAGE) more time here on earth if you live in the UK than if you live in the US.

That should please religious people...  RIGHT?

If one had to ability to read every single book that was ever written and/or published regardless of language, then one would be able to easily surmise that the purpose of life here on earth is 


and, if this is the case, then religious beliefs are only good for life eternal...

Life eternal makes more sense anyway after the concept of survival is fulfilled because it seems completely ILLOGICAL for mankind to live 80-100 years IF all that happens to them after they die is that they are simply put into the ground or cremated.

It is also highly unlikely that mankind is the only living race of people in our ENTIRE UNIVERSE...  especially since there are over billions of billions of solar systems in our UNIVERSE.  Unless I am mistaken, that's PRETTY DAMN LARGE.

And...  if you are a religious person then you will use your basic instinct of SURVIVAL to live as long as you can on earth so that you can DIE and live for all eternity in a location called HEAVEN...  As illogical as this sounds, it makes better sense than just dying.

FURTHER, in every single Global religion there is a GOD or some form of superior being around which their religion revolves...  this cannot be MERE COINCIDENCE...  the question is whether or not this is God or some form of ANCIENT ALIEN...