Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 22

Crime and Violence

We have had the second amendment since 1776 and while this amendment is designed for law abiding citizens, any half way intelligent person knows that criminals are going to find a way to provide themselves with weapons...  and, if the government and other reasonable people think that making it more difficult to own firearms is going to cut down on shooting deaths, then perform a GOOGLE search and see how easy it is to find step by step directions on how to make a bomb.

If a crazy person wants to kill people for whatever reason, would you rather have those deaths be the result of a bomb explosion or bullets from a semi-automatic weapon?

Personally, I don't want either to happen but how do you think AMERICA is doing on its war with illegal drugs?

Why do Americans purchase more illegal drugs than anywhere else in the world?

We have all sorts of police forces and narcotics squads trying to stop the flow of illegal drugs and yet those people who want them always find a way to procure them...  

Should we do away with the police because they cannot stop crime?

HUMAN NATURE dictates that the more you tell me that I cannot do something the more I am going to want to do it...

Right now, our police department is perceived as being NO LONGER APPROPRIATE to regulate Americans in cities...  but, those complaints are coming from BLACK AMERICANS not WHITE AMERICANS.  It would appear that WHITES have no problems with police and BLACKS have a problem with police because they perceive that LAW ENFORCEMENT (including both whites and blacks) are RACIALLY PROFILING them.

SO...  why is a black law enforcement person, RACIALLY PROFILING another black person?

There are ENLIGHTENED POLITICIANS called LIBERAL DEMOCRATS who believe that if we pour a ton of money into our cities and give blacks a better place to live, better education, better healthcare, and a reason to grow up successful, that it will reduce crime, especially in our inner cities.

HELL...  I think it is worth a try...  and, we should with all due haste dismantle our police departments and use that money to give blacks more opportunities.  Perhaps, we should give them THE EXACT SAME OPPORTUNITIES that the blacks perceive the whites received automatically.  NOT MORE...  just the same.


Who gives a shit about them...  we just care about BLACKS...

It is important for BLACKS TO PERCEIVE that WHITE AMERICA EMBRACES them in the same way that it has embraced whites...  except, the embracing that this country does is not for EVERY WHITE...  just the WEALTHY WHITES...

Saturday, March 27


Divided America

Public Education



Domestic Terrorism

Conservative censorship

One party governance



Wealthy getting wealthier

Scarce medical resources

Increase in drugs

What is not on the list is the fact that career politicians lie to the american public and have been lying to the american public for at least 60 years...  I grew up in the 1960's and the problems that we had back then are the same problems that we continue to have today and the politicians have always promised us that they are going to take care of it for us...  and, nothing has changed...  to me that is a lie...

the other issue that bothers me is the fact that one party puts actions into place and when the other party gets control they overturn all those policies of the other party.  this is one of the reasons why nothing ever gets done...

this is what politics does for us...

they care more about the party and their re-elections than they do about doing what is right for the american public.

americans pay the price.

Friday, March 26

Honest Politicians

We deserve honestly from our politicians, especially from the President of the United States...  I am not talking about past Presidents, because we all know that President Kennedy lied, President Johnson lied, President Clinton lied, President Nixon lied, and many Presidents withheld information from the public which in essence is a lie as well, but it not referred to as a lie...  just not telling the truth.

we have a President...  President Biden who says that the previous administration did not create the COVID Vaccine that his administration did...   not only is that a lie but President elect Biden received the COVID vaccine before his inauguration.  And, the irony about the lie is that he expects the mainstream media to push that narrative on his behalf.

President Biden says that his policies did not create in increase in illegal immigration but that the policies of the previous administration created this crisis at the border.  THAT IS A LIE AS WELL especially since the previous administration had closed the border and was building a wall.

President Biden said on the campaign trail that he would UNITE THE PARTIES but so far every bill that has passed through the Congress has had NO REPUBLICAN APPROVALS so nothing is actually being done to unite the two parties...  and, if the filibuster is eliminated, then the minority party will have NO VOICE AT ALL in the Senate as the Democrats will not any of their votes to pass legislation.

President Biden has been in office less than 100 days and has told THREE LIES to the American Public that mainstream media is not covering...

Wednesday, January 20

That Dog Don't Hunt

I moved over to East TN from the Piedmont of NC in 1990, this month to be precise, to start the second Center for Quality and Productivity in the the State of TN at Walters State Community College and liked the TN Valley so much, I decided to stay.  East TN is similar but not identical to Western NC in that each area has its own unique expressions and common interest in moonshine.  They say (whoever they are) that moonshine is a poor man's drink...  and, perhaps that is true...  but, it is expressions that caught my attention not the moonshine.

THAT DOG DON'T HUNT is one of my favorites...  along with THE SUN DON'T SHINE ON THE SAME DOG'S ASS EVERYDAY...  both of which are applicable but the former is the one that I want to explain...

Political Parties, one could say are like hound dogs that lay around on the front porch collecting flies until some stranger comes by and they are up and after that stranger quicker than STINK ON SHIT...   as they say...  (again, whoever they is).  However, sometimes these hound dogs just don't have it in them anymore and the expression was born out of pure boredom:  THAT DOG DON'T HUNT.

Well sir...
that expression was used so often that it became the thing to say is something happened or if someone said something that just did not make any sense...

like most politicians, their comments JUST DON'T HUNT...

Most people around these parts liked Trump, not because they were head over heels in love with the man but because he was not a POLITICIAN...  Southerners don't like politicians much...  especially those of us who live out in the country...  in the rural parts...  where hound dogs lay around on the front porch until a stranger comes by.


Tuesday, September 1

Another Morning in East TN

When I was a boy growing up in Alexandria, VA, Labor Day Weekend marked the end of summer because as soon as the weekend was over, we returned to public education and while the weekend was always enjoyable, the threat of going back to school was hanging over everyone's head even though most of the kids my age never gave that reality much thought until it actually happened.  Today, in most States, public education returns in the middle of August and because of the Corona Virus, those schools that do have students in their classrooms will be totally different than when I was a boy.

It is easy to remember things like this because being retired and having few hobbies or friends that I see regularly, I have nothing much else to do but remember.

However, for some of us here in East TN, the end of summer does not just mark the return of public education and a gradual decline of the heat, but the return of STINK BUGS.

According to TN State University, brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is a invasive pest of fruits, nuts, vegetables and ornamentals. The bug was first detected in Allentown, PA in 1998 and has since spread across the United States. The bug was found in Tennessee during 2008 and has since become an agricultural and nuisance pest in parts of the state.  Seasonal cues trigger stink bugs' search for winter quarters; the shortening days and falling temperatures sending them scuttling for cover. If they sheltered beneath tree bark or mulch, it would be one thing. But they prefer sharing your home over winter, piling into cracks and crevices by the thousands.

What got me to thinking about stink bugs was finding one in the kitchen sink on my way out to the back porch to sit, drink coffee, and write.

And...  while I like watching FOX NEWS as opposed to the biased news of ABC, MSNBC, CBS, and CNN, I got tired of them repeating over and over and over again how misleading mainstream media is, how screwed up the Democrats are, and how the 2020 election could have negative consequences for the US as a whole.

After 72 years of life and 45 years of working in a career, I have witnessed very little change in this country and very little meaningful action by either house of Congress.
  • So what, if America goes Socialistic...  America already has Socialism
  • So what, if America's wealthy gets higher and higher taxes...  that will never apply to me
  • So what, if Democrats increase Medicare/Social Security...  that will simply benefit me
  • So what, if the Stock Market goes down and down...  I have enough money in savings
I will be dead or dying if and when CAPITALISM starts to die out
I will be dead or dying if and when CHINA takes over America
I will be dead or dying if and when RUSSIA becomes a global leader economically

One of the criticisms of JOE BIDEN is that he has been an elected official for 47 years and has done nothing to change:
  1. the wealth gap
  2. gender equality
  3. racism
  4. education
  5. illegal drugs
  6. immigration
  7. crime
HELL FIRE PEOPLE...  this is not just JOE BIDEN but ALL DEMOCRATS and ALL REPUBLICANS...  the only difference now is that the mainstream media instead of being fair and balanced are BIASED FOR  THE DEMOCRATS...