Showing posts with label Concerns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concerns. Show all posts

Saturday, March 27


Divided America

Public Education



Domestic Terrorism

Conservative censorship

One party governance



Wealthy getting wealthier

Scarce medical resources

Increase in drugs

What is not on the list is the fact that career politicians lie to the american public and have been lying to the american public for at least 60 years...  I grew up in the 1960's and the problems that we had back then are the same problems that we continue to have today and the politicians have always promised us that they are going to take care of it for us...  and, nothing has changed...  to me that is a lie...

the other issue that bothers me is the fact that one party puts actions into place and when the other party gets control they overturn all those policies of the other party.  this is one of the reasons why nothing ever gets done...

this is what politics does for us...

they care more about the party and their re-elections than they do about doing what is right for the american public.

americans pay the price.