Showing posts with label Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pelosi. Show all posts

Monday, August 1

Will Pelosi Go To Taiwan?

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has confirmed a visit to Asia this week but questions remain over whether it will include a stop in Taiwan.

In a press release on Sunday, Pelosi said a delegation would travel to the Indo-Pacific “to reaffirm America’s strong and unshakeable commitment to our allies and friends in the region”.

The delegation left Hawaii on Sunday and there will be stops in Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan. Pelosi said they would hold “high-level meetings” in those countries to discuss the advancement of “shared interests and values” including peace and security. The press release did not mention Taiwan.

Pelosi was supposed to visit Taiwan in April but the trip was postponed after she contracted Covid-19. Recent reports suggesting Pelosi intended to visit in August have angered Beijing and prompted threats of military countermeasures. Some analysts have said it is one of the most dangerous moments in cross-strait relations in decades.

China considers Taiwan to be a breakaway province destined for reunification, and strongly objects to all acts that appear to support Taiwan as an independent sovereign state. In a phone call lasting more than two hours, China’s president, Xi Jinping, warned Joe Biden over what he considers China’s “territorial integrity”. “Those who play with fire will perish by it,” Xi said.  READ MORE...

Saturday, February 13

Pelosi Calls Republicans COWARDS

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., blasted Senate Republicans as cowards who refused to stand up to former President Trump and find him guilty in the impeachment trial.

She said these Republicans were more concerned about their political survival than protecting the constitution.

"What we saw in that Senate today was a cowardly group of Republicans who apparently have no options, because they were afraid to defend their job, respect the institution in which they serve," Pelosi said of the majority of the Senate GOP who found Trump "not guilty" of incitement of insurrection.  SOURCE:  Fox News

However, Pelosi said absolutely nothing regarding the constitutionality of the impeachment process after a President leaves office...

Just a minor detail intentionally overlooked by the Democrats and the Media...

Instead of trying to get our children back in the classroom, and our restaurants and businesses open, Capital Hill Democrats perceived that the TRUMP NARRATIVE was of paramount importance.

Personally, I don't give a rat's ass about what the Democrats think of Trump...   I did not vote for him in 2016 nor did I vote for him in 2020.

At 73 years of age, I don't really care about the technology changes that will take place in 2030, nor do I care if China's economy becomes larger than ours by 2028...  My future is pretty much fixed in terms of what I can or cannot do...

The rest of you who are apathetic regarding what our country does or does not do will have to live the the FALLOUT from making bad decisions...  Oil and Gas are not going away in the next 10 years, even though more and more electric cars will be on the highways...

How much will it cost to build charging stations across the USA to accommodate the electric cars?

But, think about this...
Would you want to fly in an electric airplane?

How will AMERICANS travel outside the USA?
Cruise Ships

How will the military function if they cannot fly electric airplanes fast enough to destroy enemy aircraft who have not gone GREEN...   and, have no plans to go GREEN...

Monday, September 7

2020 ELECTION: Just the Beginning...

Devine: Dems have no intention of accepting second Trump term

'If you think that they were sore losers in 2016, you ain't seen anything yet,' columnist says

Democrats are threatening violence if Joe Biden does not defeat President Trump in November, New York Post columnist Miranda Devine said Saturday.

"If you think that they were sore losers in 2016, you ain't seen anything yet. ... Democrats have no intention of accepting defeat at the ballot box," Devine said on "Fox & Friends Weekend."

Devine called it "information warfare" to benefit the Biden campaign, citing a Washington Post op-ed by Georgetown law professor Rosa Brooks, who says Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything short of a Biden landslide.

"It's just a variation on the theme ... when [Biden] said if you don't vote for him, you ain't safe," Devine said. "It's pretty despicable, but that is everything you need to know."

The columnist called the op-ed dishonest.

"Because the scenarios they put together show that actually the Democrat proxies in the street are supposedly peaceful protesters, we've heard that before," she said. "And yet the Republicans are supposed to send in a whole bunch of violent agitators, which is exactly the opposite of what's been happening."

The law professor's comments come amid violence in Democrat-run cities and after Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and others who attended Trump's Republic National Convention acceptance speech at the White House and afterward were surrounded by angry people.

Pelosi Leads the Controversy
PERSONAL COMMENT:  It is entirely possible that our 2020 Presidential Election is so controversial that the results could tear this country apart politically as well as racially...
  • Liberals versus Conservatives
  • Blacks versus Whites
BLM will push an agenda a violence in the streets controlled by Democrats as they try to get recognized as having an unfair life in a country that is predominately white controlled.  The black population in America represents 13% of the overall population and they are clearly a MINORITY but are they a suppressed minority because of that 13%, there are thousands of wealthy blacks who have yet to come out and support their radical agendas.

The Liberals, depending upon their seats in the House and Senate will continue to wage war against Trump and possible move towards another impeachment regarding his handling of COVID...