Showing posts with label Particles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Particles. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 16

Strange Particles Called ANYONS

Researchers Show New Strategy for Detecting Non-Conformist Particles Called Anyons

By observing how strange particles called anyons dissipate heat, researchers have shown that they can probe the properties of these particles in systems that could be relevant for topological quantum computing.A team of Brown University researchers has shown a new method of probing the properties of anyons, strange quasiparticles that could be useful in future quantum computers.

In research published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the team describes a means of probing anyons by measuring subtle properties of the way in which they conduct heat. Whereas other methods probe these particles using electrical charge, this new method enables researchers to probe anyons even in non-conducting materials. That’s critical, the researchers say, because non-conducting systems have far less stringent temperature requirements, making them a more practical option for quantum computing.

“We have beautiful ways of probing anyons using charge, but the question has been how do you detect them in the insulating systems that would be useful in what’s known as topological quantum computing,” said Dima Feldman, a physics professor at Brown and study co-author. “We show that it can be done using heat conductance. Essentially, this is a universal test for anyons that works in any state of matter.”

Anyons are of interest because they don’t follow the same rules as particles in the everyday, three-dimensional world. In three dimensions, there are only two broad kinds of particles: bosons and fermions. Bosons follow what’s known as Bose-Einstein statistics, while fermions follow Fermi-Dirac statistics. 

Generally speaking, those different sets of statistical rules mean that if one boson orbits around another in a quantum system, the particle’s wave function — the equation that fully describes its quantum state — does not change. On the other hand, if a fermion orbits around another fermion, the phase value of its wave function flips from a positive integer to a negative integer. If it orbits again, the wave function returns to its original state.

Anyons, which emerge only in systems that are confined to two dimensions, don’t follow either rule. When one anyon orbits another, its wave function changes by some fraction of an integer. And another orbit does not necessarily restore the original value of the wave function. Instead, it has a new value — almost as if the particle maintains a “memory” of its interactions with the other particle even though it ended up back where it started.

That memory of past interactions can be used to encode information in a robust way, which is why the particles are interesting tools for quantum computing. Quantum computers promise to perform certain types of calculations that are virtually impossible for today’s computers. A quantum computer using anyons — known as a topological quantum computer — has the potential to operate without elaborate error correction, which is a major stumbling block in the quest for usable quantum computers.  TO READ MORE ABOUT ANYONS, CLICK HERE...

Monday, November 15

Quantum Physics and Interacting Particles

One of the primary objectives of quantum physics studies is to measure the quantum states of large systems composed of many interacting particles. This could be particularly useful for the development of quantum computers and other quantum information processing devices.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory have recently introduced a new approach for measuring the spin states of a nuclear ensemble, a system comprised of many interacting particles with long-lived quantum properties. This method, presented in a paper published in Nature Physics, works by exploiting the response of this system to collective spin excitations.

"For a dense ensemble of quantum objects, such as spins, it isn't possible to measure each individually, to learn how they interacted with each other," Claire Le Gall and Mete Atatüre, two of the researchers who carried out the study, told "Instead, one can look for tell-tale signals in the collective response of the ensemble; a bit like the behavior of a flock of birds might say something about how the birds engage with each other. Our system of interest is a large flock, or ensemble, of nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum dot."

In 2002, three Harvard University physicists figured out that large ensembles of nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum dot could be potential hosts for solid-state quantum memories, then published their work a year later. 19 years later, Le Gall, Atatüre, and their colleagues probed this type of nuclear ensemble using a 'proxy' quantum bit, an electron spin that simultaneously couples to all nuclear spins, as reported in their latest paper.  READ MORE...

Monday, July 12

Quantum Physics

Once again, quantum physics is calling our concept of reality into question.

If you are familiar with quantum physics, you know that on very tiny scales, the Universe is very weird. Particles act like particles and waves at the same time. An electron may be in one location, and then suddenly in another location, without ever passing through a point between those two spots. Or even a single particle can interact with itself.

But on the macroscopic scale, things are more “normal”. At least, we think. But perhaps quantum physics also affects us, as macroscopic observers. And recent research published in Nature Physics says for even macroscopic observers, quantum physics may call our reality into question.

Tenets Of Reality That Are True... Or Are They?
As macroscopic observers, we can say three things about reality.  TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE, CLICK HERE...

Thursday, May 13


In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold. The fabric of space-time is a conceptual model combining the three dimensions of space with the fourth dimension of time. 
Source:  Wikipedia

But, to the ordinary person who lives in a 3 dimensional world, time simply moves forward in a straight line, and one's age increase each day, each week, each month, each year until one day that same person is no longer alive...  and, in their death, time continues.

To the ordinary person, life is seen to possess height, width, and depth and while height and depth seems to go on forever, width is constrained by one's environment; for example, if one is in one's home then the three dimensions are fixed and somewhat finite, however, if one is on the coast of let's say the Atlantic Ocean, then those same 3 dimensions seem to be endless and yet, we intuitively know that there are, in fact, limits.

Time is not seen so easily other than in the passing years, the body always changes sometimes that changes happens faster on some people than others but time is a concept of which everyone is aware even though like the dimensions is hardly ever discussed.

Similarly, hardly anyone talks about the atoms that are found in all matter and that because of the arrangement of these atoms we have different types of matter.  Likewise, hardly anyone talks about the breakdown of atoms into sub-atomic particles and that some of those particles are composed of even smaller particles to the point that the smallest imagined particle is a vibrating string of energy that has no probability of movement...  and, because of that lack of probability, we might have different dimensional realities in some sort of parallel but unseen universe.

Spacetime is a concept that is rarely imagined by the general public nor is it a topic of discussion at get togethers that meet social distancing guidelines...