Showing posts with label Sub Atomic Particles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sub Atomic Particles. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13


In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold. The fabric of space-time is a conceptual model combining the three dimensions of space with the fourth dimension of time. 
Source:  Wikipedia

But, to the ordinary person who lives in a 3 dimensional world, time simply moves forward in a straight line, and one's age increase each day, each week, each month, each year until one day that same person is no longer alive...  and, in their death, time continues.

To the ordinary person, life is seen to possess height, width, and depth and while height and depth seems to go on forever, width is constrained by one's environment; for example, if one is in one's home then the three dimensions are fixed and somewhat finite, however, if one is on the coast of let's say the Atlantic Ocean, then those same 3 dimensions seem to be endless and yet, we intuitively know that there are, in fact, limits.

Time is not seen so easily other than in the passing years, the body always changes sometimes that changes happens faster on some people than others but time is a concept of which everyone is aware even though like the dimensions is hardly ever discussed.

Similarly, hardly anyone talks about the atoms that are found in all matter and that because of the arrangement of these atoms we have different types of matter.  Likewise, hardly anyone talks about the breakdown of atoms into sub-atomic particles and that some of those particles are composed of even smaller particles to the point that the smallest imagined particle is a vibrating string of energy that has no probability of movement...  and, because of that lack of probability, we might have different dimensional realities in some sort of parallel but unseen universe.

Spacetime is a concept that is rarely imagined by the general public nor is it a topic of discussion at get togethers that meet social distancing guidelines...