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Monday, October 14

A Spacecraft that Twists Space

The concept of faster-than-light travel has existed and is common in the realm of science fiction for decades now. However, the idea of wrap drives interstellar journeys has captured the imagination of many, especially in the series called Star Trek. Which of these ideas and concepts were more than just fiction and imagination? It seems like the new development of science theory is slowly becoming a subject of interest.

Twisting space to travel faster than light is the idea behind the warp drive

Science fiction is often associated with warp drives, which have the potential to accelerate spacecraft faster than the speed of light. The prospect of twisting or bending space-time to enable faster-than-light travel without violating the fundamental principles of physics lies at the heart of the warp drive concept. A warp drive would presumably compress space in front of the vehicle and expand it behind, producing a kind of bubble.

This bubble would enable the ship to travel great distances swiftly rather than speeding it to the speed of light. The space surrounding the spacecraft would move, enabling it to travel farther than the speed of light, rather than the spacecraft itself moving through space at an impossibly rapid rate. Miguel Alcubierre, a physicist laid this foundation in 1994 and spoke about the mathematical model for a warp drive.     READ MORE...

Sunday, October 6

The Fifth State of Matter

An entirely new state of matter known to be neither solid, nor liquid, nor gaseous is a prediction by an Indian physicist named Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein which has become a reality in its prediction after the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) that has shifted our minds on how we perceive the discovery of physics. This discovery paves way into further research and investigation in quantum mechanics.

How did Bose-Einstein Condensate come about?
Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is the name given to a peculiar quantum state of matter that was theorized to exist in the mid-1920s by two of the greatest minds in physics, Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein. 

The greatest minds of the 20th century reasoned that particles would merge into one cohesive entity if they were maintained at low densities and cooled to extremely low temperatures—just a few degrees below absolute zero.          READ MORE...