Showing posts with label Da Vinci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Da Vinci. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23

Unfinished da Vinci Work

When the Italian polymath and Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci swore allegiance to the French king in 1516 and accepted François I’s invitation to make his home in France, he brought with him three of his most famous works. Saint John the Baptist, the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and his most celebrated painting, Mona Lisa – all now hang in the Louvre in Paris.

Some Leonardo experts, however, suggest he may have arrived in France with another painting – one that remained unfinished – a work that he returned to and improved but never completed, despite keeping it near him for more than 30 years.

The mysterious Saint Jerome in the Wilderness, which Leonardo started some time in the 1480s, rarely leaves its permanent home in the Vatican Museums. Today, however, as the result of an exceptional loan agreement it is on display at the manor house at Clos Lucé – near the former royal château at Amboise on the Loire in western France – where Leonardo lived for just over two years until his death in 1519.

“Five hundred years after Leonardo da Vinci’s death, we will have the painting here for 100 days,” François Saint Bris, whose family owns the Clos Lucé, told the Observer.

“It’s extremely moving for us to have this work loaned to us. This is a singular canvas, a work in progress that comes more alive the more we look at it. In it we see the workings of Da Vinci’s brain, his techniques, his intelligence, his drawing. We hope visitors will come here to contemplate it.”

Fewer than 20 paintings by Leonardo are thought to have survived until now. Saint Jerome in the Wilderness is not the best nor, indeed, the brightest: the gloomy and largely colourless painting depicts the gaunt and penitent fourth-century saint – considered the father of the Christian church – beating his chest with a stone. At the bottom of the canvas the outline of the lion from whose paw Jerome has famously extracted a thorn lies sketched uncharacteristically ferocious, a change from its usual docile representation.  READ MORE...

Thursday, June 2

Rennaisance Man Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci—arguably one of history’s most resourceful geniuses—was the unwanted result of casual sex between a local peasant girl and a young man from a prosperous family. Both were from Vinci, a small hill town not far from Florence with winding cobblestoned streets, wooden shutters, and spindling trees. It was in this village that Leonardo was conceived and surrendered by his mother as an infant to his father’s family.

In an era referred to as “the age of bastards,” Leonardo’s illegitimate birth would not have involved any injury to his future: his eighty-year-old paternal grandfather set down a few basic details unapologetically.

“A grandson of mine was born, son of Ser Piero, my son… his name was Leonardo.”

The entry of birth, through brief, was followed with the name of the priest who baptized the newborn and a list of the people present at the ceremony.

Leonardo’s grandfather had been a notary of repute, as had his great-grandfather. Leonardo’s father also entered the profession and married the daughter of another notary family. While the couple established their residence in Florence, Leonardo remained in Vinci with his grandparents, whose stolidly middle-class household provided a stability of routine but no formal education. The lack of structured schooling makes the abundant body of Leonardo’s entirely self-taught knowledge almost unfathomable.

He was an irrepressible force of nature and fortunate enough to have been nurtured in a time that was daring his country further and further. Revolutions in the sciences and the humanities tend to occur in clusters of extraordinary individuals: Giotto, Michelangelo, Galileo, Dante, Machiavelli, Marco Polo, and Columbus—all were Italians, each with a key role in paving the way for the future.  READ MORE...

Tuesday, April 13

We've Been Visited

I have taped and now watching the ANCIENT ALIENS series on cable and I find the evidence rather compelling that EARTH has been visited by extraterrestrials during our early existence by understanding that all of the buildings that were constructed thousands of years ago, could not have been built by the people who lived in those areas across the world because they just did not possess the technological abilities to do so...

For example:
  1. How did they move 10 ton stone objects to a height 100 times their height?
  2. How did they cut hard stone with precise angles, squared, and cut?
  3. How did they come up with the ideas to draw and paint on stone walls?
  4. Why do similar structures exist 10,000 miles away?
  5. Why do similar stories/myths exist 10,000 miles away?
Today, we still have UFO's flying around that have been acknowledged do exist by our Governments across the world but no explanation can be derived as to why they are here...  yet, we know UFO's can only come here from another planet.

In all mythologies around the world there are stories of gods coming to earth and providing humans with knowledge and technology.

In all mythologies there is are stories of CREATION by gods or by a single entity including our own Christian God...  all these mythologies speak of a great floor that covered the earth and killed all living creatures.

How could all mythologies be so similar unless it were true?

GENESIS 1:26   26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So...   why use us in the sentence?  Especially if and when we are talking about only 1 God...  For a long time, I thought that this was reference to the TRINITY...  but now...  I am not so sure.

Wouldn't it be nice to finally get the real answer to these questions?

Some believe that our DNA was altered by aliens and as a result we are the creatures we are today...  and, there is a lot of truth to that belief or so it seems to me because I never really subscribed to the belief that HUMANS were products of EVOLUTION...  and, the reason I have never bought into this notion is the fact that HUMANS are simply too damn complicated on the inside to be mere byproducts of evolution...  does not make sense nor is it logical...  not when you look around and see the complexities of all life.

Since evolution is out the window...  that leaves us with CREATION...  and, this makes more sense to me...  and, if we were created by aliens from another planet in another solar system in another galaxy...  well...  that makes even more sense.

Why have we had some simply brilliant people, like:
  • Da Vince
  • Einstein
  • Tesla
  • von Braun
if it were not for aliens messing around with our DNA and/or visiting these people and giving them special abilities...