Friday, April 12

TIME is NOT on our Side

 At 76 years of age, my life is not going to last much longer.  However, it is my hope that I have at least another twenty years.  My declining heath may not allow me to live that long but it is what it is.

Not too long ago, I was talking with a high school friend of mine (a Canadian) and we shared what stories we could remember from that period of time that our lives merged together.  The time was 1962-1966.

I could not remember some of his stories and he could not remember some of my stories...

This is not supposed to be a SAD commentary of our memories but help to share how quickly time passes us all by, and when it does there are very few things that we can recall.  That is what time does to us all.

We were 16 then and now are 76...  60 years has passed in the blink of an eye and most of those memories are beyond our ability to retain...  unless we have kept photographs...  which may or may not happen.

We value youth and view older people with contempt because they are no longer macho and no doubt never lived wild and free like the youth of the day are living.  This is where youth is ignorant and naive because those who were teenagers in the 1960s lived life more wildly than any other generation in the history of the USA.

I suggest you research WOODSTOCK...

Time moves by quickly and the sooner you understand that concept, the better off you will be.  I say this because each day should be a powerful day - a day that you are blessed to live - a day that you are blessed to enjoy.

These days should not just be lived to their fullest but should be lived with the future in mind - that is to say, how do I want to live when I am 76 years old and when I can finally retire? 

The title says it all.  Live your life for today but also live it for tomorrow.

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