Sunday, April 21

Forcing Citizens to Buy EVs


If I am not mistaken, Canada has just passed a law that states no gasoline vehicles will be sold after 2035 - about a decade from now.  A lot can happen in 10/11 years.

I also remember reading articles where there were some Democratic Governors who were trying to push for the same outcome here in the US.

Car Dealers have tried to sell EVs and the general public (both Democrats and Republicans) refused to buy them for several reasons:
  1. Cost of the EV
  2. Charging Times
  3. Not Enough Charging Stations
  4. Cost of battery replacement
  5. Low resale value

If sales are forced on the consumer, it would be my belief that people will keep their old gasoline cars rather than spend all that money on an EV.

If that happens, then the government would retaliate with higher and higher gasoline prices in an effort to box the general public into a corner.

There is one thing about most Americans, including new generations, they do not like being TOLD WHAT TO DO.

Consequently, Americans will vote Republicans into office so that the gasoline will continue to flow...  and, until they can lower the price of EVs so that the average American can afford them.

Raising wages to compensate will not work, because companies will just either lay off workers or raise their prices to the point that the wage increase makes no difference at all.

The only way to stop that from happening is for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to take possession of all businesses...  and I doubt our capitalistic society will allow that to happen.

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