Sunday, April 28

Just An Opinion

 Ever since 1776, when the USA became and independent nation, there has been a liberal party, a conservative party, and a party that did not represent either side.  The names of these parties changed over time, but they are now referred to as Democratic, Republican, and Independent.

When I was a teenager back in the 1960s, these two parties fought like cats and dogs but at the end of the day or the end of the week or by the end of the month, they agreed on a path forward that was in the best interest of the American public.


The only time that these two parties can agree on anything is when they are backed into a corner and have to do something like pass the budget so that employees and retirees can get paid.

Each political party is so focused on their own agenda that they fail to see the American People and fail or intentionally fail to notice what might be in their best interest...

Case in Point:  Illegal Immigration, Inflation, Death to the gasoline industry.

None of those above three issues belong to the Republican party -  the are all Democratic Party philosophies.

My parents were Democrat but only because they felt sorry for the poor people in the country.  Not those who did not want to work, but those who for some reason could not work due to one thing or another.

My parents knew that it was the responsibility of  those who had stuff to take care of those who did not have stuff...  and, up to a point, I agree with them...  BUT we have inflation not because we want to take care of the poor people but because the Democrats simply want to spend money.

Case in Point:  Paying off student loans, Paying people to stay home from work, Increasing the the minimum wage, Increasing the National Debt.

On the surface, what the Democrats are proposing looks reasonable and somewhat justified, but it is not just today that we should be looking at, it is also tomorrow.  It is not the wealthy's responsibility to take care of the poor   -   they can do so but it must be voluntary.  No one likes to be forced to do anything.

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