Thursday, April 18

Changing America


It is easy, at my age, to live in the past especially since the past is so much better than the present.  However, if I had gotten cancer in the past, I would be dead by now because of the research that has been conducted on cancer research.

When I think of the past and what really impresses me about the past is not the cost of living or the quality of life but:

  • we had a respect for American laws
  • we had a respect for law enforcement
  • we had a respect and trust in our legislatures
  • democrats and republicans were willing to compromise
  • we had a strong military presence
  • we were leader of the world and respected by our enemies
  • we had an outstanding educational system
  • we had a strong set of values and morals 
  • we had a strong work ethic
  • we believed a little bit of profit was necessary
  • males were males and females were females

All of that has been lost...  and that way of life is never coming back to America...   a new generation of Americans have been born, that believe that type of life was based upon WHITE SUPREMACY and that minorities would never be given a chance...  a new generation was born that believes in government handouts, social welfare, and socialism instead of capitalism.

While I am not a believer in their way of thinking, I do believe they have a right to take the country into the direction they believe is appropriate.  And who knows...  they may be right...  maybe the time is right for a STAR TREK type of UTOPIA.

America's enemies have based their HATRED on the old America that manipulated countries by force if necessary and by money when appropriate, trying to transform their culture into an American culture since it was perceived that American culture was the best in the world.

WE WERE WRONG...  But not many people are willing to admit that.  However, I doubt our enemies will believe this younger generation and it is they who will start manipulating us.

Our colleges and universities teach student HOW BAD AMERICA IS RIGHT NOW...  and, how out leaders need to be replaced and it is perceived that our enemies DO KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR US.

An example of this is the PRO-PALESTINIAN & ANTI ISRAEL movement that is moving through this country like a hurricane and tornado combined.  American Females want to be governed by SHARIA LAW, not fully understanding what they really means.

BUT...  like everything else...  CHANGE is necessary for growth...  and America needs to grow into something that is different from that which it is currently.

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