Friday, April 5

On Being a Racist

Both my parents were racists and never tried to deny it and more than likely their parents were racists as well.

I grew up in an all white neighborhood and did not really experience people of color until high school.  However, I attended high school in Cairo, Egypt and the concept of racism never entered our minds nor was it ever discussed in any of our conversations.

Only after I graduated from high school, was I confronted with racism and began to become aware of people of color.

Most of the people of color, I came across in the 1960s were uneducated and as a result I formed conclusions and opinions that most black people were uneducated.

I also began to see that my blacks were not good workers, and most whites were not good athletes and again, opinions and conclusions were formed.

Unlike the blacks, I was never afraid of the police unless I was doing something wrong.  I had no idea that their fear, and rightly so, went much deeper than that simply because they were black.

In public I will not share my feelings and opinions of blacks out of respect for the people around me but have no problems sharing my feelings in other media outlets.

I will say this and my feelings are strong about it, the more that blacks DEMAND that something be done for them because they were born with the disadvantage of color, the more my resentment towards them grows.

There are numerous examples of people who were born in poverty who went on to become wealthy and respectable people...  and if, the blacks were willing to work to get there, they could do anything they wanted...

Determination and Discipline are the two keys to success along with persistence which is a part of being determined.

So, in closing one might refer to me as a racist because I don't bend over and kiss the ass of the blacks, and turn a deaf ear when they claim I am a white supremacist.  

Until the black population is increased, we will always have more whites in power than blacks. 


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