Monday, April 8

Just Another Fish Tale

Not too many years ago, I was working in the marketplace in the typical 9:00-5:00 as they say.  I retired in 2015 so it has been almost a decade since I've worked.

I don't miss working because all my supervisors or those to whom I reported were FIRST CLASS ASSHOLES...  and I was the kind of person who could not keep my mouth shut, if I believed in something strongly.

My problem was that I believed in everything I did strongly, or I would not have been working there and my bosses never wanted to ROCK THE BOAT.

This concept was something I learned early in my career (my second job after college) when I reported to a Board of Directors who CONSIDERED THEMSELVES BIG FISH IN LITTLE PONDS.

Back then, you only had one of two choices:

  • big fish in little ponds
  • little fish in big ponds

Other ways of looking at this could be:
  • don't rock the boat
  • if it ain't broke don't fix it
  • we've always done it this way
  • it's above my pay grade

The sad part about this NO PROGRESS SCENARIO is that it only happens in the ranks of management (the so called white collar workers)
Rank and File employees (the so called blue collar workers), don't really give a shit about whose idea it was or if there is a better way to doing something.

Funny, but blue collar workers want to do a good job whereas white collar workers want to get promoted or receive a healthy bonus.  They also have no problems kissing the asses of those above them or making another manager look worse than they look.

SO NO...  I am not sad at all about being retired and I miss nothing that I left behind - not even the money.

Having more money means:
  1. paying higher taxes
  2. working longer hours
  3. buying more toys you don't need
  4. buying a bigger house you don't need
  5. buying a more expensive car
  6. flying first class
  7. spending more on vacations
  8. owning multiple homes
  9. not spending time with family
  10. drinking to much alcohol
  11. acquiring more stress than needed
  12. fear of failure - losing it all
  13. watching over your shoulder
  14. being solicited to make gifts
  15. Never being satisfied with what you have

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