Saturday, April 6

East Tennessee Spring

 In all large cities, there are suburban areas just outside the city, where there is a peacefulness existence -  well maintained homes and grasses, curbs and sidewalks, fenced in back yards with swimming pools, patios and grills, along with an overabundance of both cats and dogs.

It is not out of the ordinary, to have the residents of these suburban areas outside walking around the neighborhood at 10pm without the slightest bit of fear in their hearts at all.   It is not out of the ordinary to have the children of these residents outside playing with one another without the slightest bit of fear in their hearts at all.

BUT...  if you leave these quiet suburban areas, the environment changes as crime and violence is taking place all around them and illegal immigrants are sleeping on the sidewalks because they have no money or jobs.

The entirety of East Tennessee is like these suburban areas which makes this area a special place to live and visit.

Yes, we have crimes, theft, burglary, and murder but it is the exception not the general rule.

East Tennessee is blessed with a network of rivers and lakes that afford its residents huge recreational opportunities that include:  camping, boating, hiking, and picnicking.  Perfect for family outings.

As we enter the month of April, warm weather comes to the Tennessee Valley and people like flowers are beginning to pop up outside everywhere.  The smell of grilling is in the air as is the sounds of children playing. 

We have no problems with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS yet as the Tennessee Valley is not a popular destination for them.  Besides, the State of TN allows carry permits so I doubt too many of them will want to come to this area.  Democratic States will bear the brunt of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

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