Monday, April 15

Dysfunctional America


Whether RIGHT or WRONG, this is what America looks like to me...

America is being inundated with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS some of which are criminals, pedophiles, terrorists, spies, and those who want a better life.

It is estimated that there are 10-15 million ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the USA and what are the odds that they will continue to break our laws.

Americans are being hurt by inflation while at the same time are being helped by all of Biden's spending that will eventually explode in our faces because of all the debt we are creating.

Instead of building up our military for defense, the present administration is building up social welfare programs instead that ultimately force people to depend more and more on the government.

Blacks was reparations and/or put in a situation where they pay no taxes causing the white population to be forced to take care of them.  At the same time, Blacks are pushing CRT and DEI with the understanding that ALL WHITES are supremacists and will continue to suppress the black population.

In my opinion, this is creating RACISM is escalate...

America's educational system is declining BIG TIME and our education knowledge is being diluted and watered down so more and more unqualified college students can graduate.

America's poor education will only allow other countries who have intensified their educational process to leap above Americans intellectually.

America's politicians care more about their own re-election than they do about doing what is right for the American people.  Not getting anything accomplished each year because of each side not wanting to compromise will eventually bite us in the ass.

Not only is SOCIALISM coming to America which is right now being financed by a declining capitalistic society, but humanoid robots with AI will soon be replacing jobs.  However, there is the claim that robots will create more jobs than they replace.  DO YOU BELIEVE THAT???

Russia is fighting in Ukraine, Israel is fighting in Gaza, and IRAN is vowing DEATH TO AMERICANS and will continue fighting us until all Americans are destroyed.  Meanwhile, China is eyeballing Taiwan for take-over and many strategists believe that we are now closer to WWIII than we have ever been before.

American LIBERALS want to destroy American CONSERVATIVE so that they never have a majority in congress again - creating a ONE PARTY government in the USA...  A one party government is no longer a democracy and freedom of speech will no longer be a part of American life.

At 76 years of age, this change in America will not influence me much or these last few years that I am alive....  BUT, it will impact all of the rest of you and if you wait too long, it will be too late to stop the change.  We may have passed that point already.


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