Thursday, January 11

War on Not Using Fossil Fuels

 There are many people in the USA and throughout the world that believe that climate change is destroying EARTH and that this change is the result of us using fossil fuels as a main source of energy.

There is a push to go GREEN which means STOP USING gasoline and natural gas to provide our energy needs.

If we are not using fossil fuels, then we should be using nuclear, solar, wind, and hydro power to provide our energy needs.

Currently, we are being pushed into buying EVs when a majority of Americans cannot afford EVs and when there are not enough charging stations throughout the USA to support the use of EVs by everyone.

Regardless of those problems, the government is PUSHING GREEN ENERGY anyway.

OPEC oil consortium is comprised of all the major oil producing countries in the Middle East with two exceptions:  Venezuela and Russia.

OPEC has no desire to go GREEN ENERGY because that would destroy their countries.

Other countries outside of the USA, talk about going green but have no desire to go green because of the financial investment it would cause them to make.  That investment would hurt their economies.

CHINA is producing EVs while at the same time is building several COAL power plants.  Coal is a fossil fuel.  So, they are not making the investment in Green Energy.

From what is reported in the NEWS, Russia, India, Africa, and South America have NO PLANS to convert their countries over to GREEN ENERGY.

WHAT IMPACT is going to realized on EARTH if only half the world (or less) GOES GREEN ENERGY?

The impact will be minimal.

While at the same time, conversion to Green Energy, is going to cost more money than countries like the USA have available to invest.

FINALLY, as our economy declines because of green energy conversion, the rest of the world will be able to build (increase) their economies.

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