Wednesday, January 24

Be Prepared

We had more snow earlier this week than we have had in East TN for the last five years, including temperatures that were at or below ZERO.

What does this mean?

Does it mean that global warming is bullshit, or does it mean that this year is just an anomaly?

Or does it mean something else altogether?

I would say that it means something else...  so, what is that something else?

Well...  for me, it means BE PREPARED...  Hope for the best but expect the worst.

  • This is another example of why individuals and/or couples should be debt free.
  • This is another example of why one's pantry should always be stocked with canned and dried foods.
  • This is another example of why you should have good tires on your vehicle and make sure your vehicle has been properly maintained.

And I completely understand that you cannot be prepared for everything, so you have to pick and choose which events you want to be prepared for.

There are lots of people around me who have invested in generators in case the power goes out.  That investment can be $5-$10,000 and you have to make sure what you buy is quality and is capable of providing all the power you need.

We do not have a generator because the power has only been out for a day or two in our area.  If power is gone in the summer, we have ways of staying cool (cold showers is one of them).  In the winter, it is putting on more clothes.

If we had a medical issue, then that would change our plans.

Wherever you live, you need to plan for unexpected events to happen.  It is easy to buy a couple extra cans of food each week, rather than purchase items all at once.


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