Saturday, January 27

Death Penalty

Aside from the religious argument that man should not take another man's life, is there justification for the DEATH PENALTY?

A 32-year-old woman, was high on marijuana and stabbed her boyfriend 108 times and was sentenced to community service, put on probation and served no JAIL TIME...

Is this JUSTICE?

A 32-year-old man was driving drunk (way above the legal limit), hit another car, killed the occupants, was out on bail and left the state.  Six months later, he was caught, sentenced to life without parole.

Is this JUSTICE?

Do we, as human beings, have the RIGHT OF REVENGE?

Not from a personal standpoint but from a judicial standpoint...  yes, we do.

However, in order to exercise that right, we have to hire an attorney and not just any attorney but one that has a reputation for winning.  Otherwise, we have wasted our money.

The District Attorney can file those charges for us and prosecute on our behalf but are they as CLEVER as defense attorneys?

Still, once the person is convicted, do we have the right to take their life because they took the life of someone else?

Killing them will not bring back the person they killed...  it is PURE REVENGE at that point...  and justice has nothing to do with it.

If we put these killers in jail for the rest of their lives, instead of taking their life, we have to pay for that through our taxes...  not to mention the fact that prisons will soon become over-crowded, and we will have to build new ones...  more taxpayer money.,.

What kind of a person are we, who seeks revenge on another for an act of murder?

Are we any better than they are?


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