Friday, January 5

USA Politics is DEAD

 My first encounter into politics was as a Democrat (because of my parents influence) and I became engaged because of JFK Jr.  He had the right attitude and mentality when he said:  "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."

Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.

Politicians on both side of the aisle whether in the House or in the Senate, no longer give a RAT'S ASS about the USA, although that is not what they claim.

Why do I think this?

Because we have the same problems today that we had in the 1960s and all the years in between.  NOTHING HAS CHANGED.  And yet, politicians are re-elected and spend twenty years or more in WASHDC getting nothing accomplished.

In 2024, the only politician that I really trust to do what he says he is going to do is DONALD TRUMP and I don't want him elected again because the Democrats will do everything in their power to DESTROY him and nothing else will get accomplished.

If you have read previous posts by me, you are no doubt aware that I am AGAINST:

  • Illegal Immigration
  • Increasing the National Debt
  • A weak economy
  • Ending fossil fuels
  • Mandating EV without infrastructure
  • Silencing the conservative voice
  • Not seeing China as our ARCH ENEMY

I am also against illegal drugs but the reason why there are so many of them coming into our country is because AMERICANS WANT THEM...  Americans are not being forced to use illegal drugs they want to use illegal drugs.  Once the drug desire is there, it is difficult to eliminate.  More often or not they die eventually of an overdose.

American Politicians have fiddle farted around so much, I don't believe that they know how to get anything done, except spend money.  They certainly don't care about blue collar workers since neither side is doing much of anything to STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Why do we keep electing these politicians?
  • Are Americans that indifferent/apathetic?
  • Are Americans that politically stupid/ignorant?
  • Do Americans just want the government to take care of them?

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