Friday, January 12

United States Obesity

Resources. The U.S. adult obesity rate stands at 42.4 percent, the first time the national rate has passed the 40 percent mark, and further evidence of the country's obesity crisis. The national adult obesity rate has increased by 26 percent since 2008.  Source:

Health Risks of OBESITY:

  1. Diabetes
  2. Cancer
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Stroke
  5. Liver disease
  6. Heart disease

US Population:  330 million

US Obesity: 138.6 million

Three years ago, my GI doctor, after my colonoscopy, told me I needed to lose weight.  I was 260 pounds.  Today, I am 215 pounds with a goal of 200-205.

  • Losing weight is NOT EASY.
  • Discipline, Determination, & Patience is necessary in order to achieve weight loss goals.
  • Losing weight DOES NOT come from exercise.
  • Losing weight comes from eating less.

Restaurants typically serve meals that are larger than you really need to eat, and most people eat the entire meal before they leave because they paid for it.
What I do and have been doing is eat half and take half home and eat it the next day.
While it never tastes as good as it did when it was first served, it is still not bad.
But, more importantly, you don't each a lot at one meal.

While I cannot suggest that you follow my example, it is necessary for you to develop your own game plan so that as you get older, you don't start encountering serious health issues...  and, then not have the money saved to pay for your co-payments or out-of-pocket expenses.

Obese people usually DIE before they are supposed to because of health complications of being overweight.   

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