Friday, January 12

Uncertainty Abounds



On the way back home from completing my IVIG treatment this morning, I was listening to the Dan Bongino Show on Talk Radio and there was a segment about someone dying and how much they would be missed and that got me to thinking.

About what?

Death and Dying and the Uncertainty about Death and Dying, namely, what going to happen after you die...

There are 330 million citizens living in the US of A, some of them financially well off, some of them super financially well off, but a majority of them are not financially well off at all.

Many of our US citizens have moved away from their belief in religion for a variety of reasons.  However, it is mainly because they no longer believe.  Therefore, it is doubtful that they believe they are going to heaven after they die, while those who still believe, are trusting in the fact that they are going to heaven.

So, where is heaven?

It is not of this world (earth) so it must be somewhere in the vast universe.

And while that is possible, I suppose, it is not logical.

More importantly, whenever I hear that someone has died, it is usually followed by the statement they will be missed.  I am confident that missing wealthy person is about the same as missing a poor person.  It is just that a wealthy person is missed by more people.

This begs the question:  For how long will they be missed?

I know when my father and mother died, I missed them for several days afterwards but then the missing dwindled because I had my life to live which had precious little time to spend thinking about missing my parents.

There was a time that I missed seeing them or talking with them but as I recall that did not happen very often when they were alive.

If for some reason there is life after death, it certainly will not be the same kind of life we experienced here on earth, unless we have been reincarnated.  This topic I have not given much thought to at all.

More than likely, human beings have a soul or a spirit that is in some kind of vaporous unseen form, perhaps like a gust of wind or a breeze.  It is felt but you cannot see it.

What would life be like in that kind of metamorphosis?

You may feel the wind but does the wind feel you?

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