Sunday, January 7

The USA Faces a New Challenge

 Up until a few years ago, the USA and other leading countries were able to decide the fate of the world through, wealth, economic, and military strength and there were basically two sides:  Democracy and Communism.

It was countries like:

  • The USA
  • Russia
  • China
  • Great Britain
  • The European Union
that decided everything, especially after WWI and WWII and a few smaller wars like Korea and Vietnam where no victory was really achieved on either side.

While we were growing fat, dumb, and happy, a group of people in the middle east after being educated at universities in the USA formed OPEC.  As the world consumed more and more petroleum crude oil, OPEC countries became wealthier and wealthier.

While that was happening the USA was trying to force its brand of Democracy on the rest of the world, especially in the Middle East, South America, and to a lesser degree in Africa which was still living hundreds of years in the past.

RESENTMENT towards the USA grew and it because not just a hatred of the USA but of Christianity versus ISLAM.

One of the most brilliant tactics of the 21st century was the Muslims deciding the send males to countries all over the world but especially in Europe and the USA so that they would marry local women.  They would have families and spread ISLAM throughout the world.

As Christianity started to die out in the USA, Islam grew stronger and stronger among its followers.  And, as the faith of Islam grew so did its populations all over the world.

There are Muslim all over Europe and the USA and these Muslims in the USA are getting elected to Congress so that they can influence the direction of Democracy while pushing a Muslim agenda.  Former President Obama was raised MUSLIM.

It is not just the Middle East that is spreading out its global footprint but India is doing this same thing as well.

Additionally, the illegal immigration from our southern borders have brought 8-10 million illegal immigrants into this country.  This immigration has put more immigrants into the USA and quicker than was done by the Muslims or by the people of India.

It is doubtful that all these immigrants share the same values as most Americans share and as they increase their birth rates, the USA will have the same demographics and the same politics that other countries in the rest of the world share.

We have simply spread out global poverty and no one will really be able to differentiate one country from another country.

This change in the USA will influence:
  • commerce
  • education
  • politics
  • education
  • professional sports
  • entertainment
  • economics
  • heathcare
  • quality of life

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