Thursday, January 4

Northerners Migrating South

 It does not surprise me that there are a multitude of northerners from the east coast to the west coast that are moving to SOUTHERN STATES because of the mild winters or no winters at all.

As our population ages, cold weather negatively impacts the human body and the desire to be warm all year long increases.

Today, just over 34 percent of the US population is aged 50 and over, and their numbers are rising rapidly with the aging of the baby-boom generation.     SOURCE:  Joint Center for Housing Studies

The number of Americans age 60 and older increased by 34% from 55.7 million to 74.6 million. In 2019, 30 million women and 24.1 million men were age 65 and older. That's 125 women for every 100 men.     SOURCE:  Administration for Community Living

What does this mean?
  • It means that northerners, who earn more money annually than southerners and whose homes are valued higher, are moving down south (with their money) and inflating housing values that will increase the cost of living.
  • It also means that they are bringing their northern attitudes down south which are going to BUTT HEADS with southern attitudes.
  • It means they are going to make traffic conditions worse and attempt to change southern values so that they mesh with their own.
  • It means that the states they are leaving will LOSE TAX REVENUES.
  • It means that visiting northern cities will cost more for southern families on vacation.

This migration from the North to the South is not something that can be stopped.  It is a natural evolution of age, and after living in the south all my life, I understand why wants to live down here.  It is a SIMPLE, NATURAL, way of life without the crime and violence of the big cities.  We are laid back and take life slowly.  We respect each other and receive respect in return.  We are old fashioned neighbors to those living around us.

In my opinion, it is the NORTHERNERS who will change their attitudes, not the southerners...  and, that transformation will be a wonder to see.

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