Saturday, January 13

Human Well Being and Happiness

 Oddly enough, human wellbeing and happiness is different for each person.  One size fits all is not applicable, nor is it desirable.  Of course, one's moral compass, based upon generally accepted morality behavior, is of the upmost importance as well.  

However, what is accepted moral behavior?

The accepted moral behavior of 1776 or 1876 or 1976 is quite different from the accepted moral behavior of 2020 or 2024.

For example, no one would have even considered transitioning from male to female or from female to male back in 1976, especially among adolescents.  Now the very young are wanting to change genders and not even let their parents know what they are wanting to do.

This is a huge change in accepted moral behavior as is same sex marriage.

As far as happiness and wellbeing are concerned both of those concepts are individual as well.  You may have one person who is happy reading a book or watching a movie on cable or relaxing outside in the sun with a cup of tea while someone else may only derive happiness through stealing, taking drugs or sexual intercourse.

Based upon one's moral values one might pursue happiness by any means necessary as long as the outcome is morally accepted.

An example of this might be allowing illegal immigration because getting inside the borders of America will make these people happy.

However, these actions do not take into consideration that YOUR HAPPINESS IS NOT MY HAPPINESS.

So, where is the line drawn?

If 51% of the population is happy with what you are doing, the SCREW THE OTHER 49%?

Another example might be, I am only happy when the government is paying all my bills, and I don't have to work.

Well, in order for the government to pay your bills, they have to tax the people who are working, and they might not want their money to pay for your happiness.

From this concept comes the expression:  THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH.

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