Wednesday, April 5

We Are Getting Ready

Our winter weather lasted from mid December until mid March or about 3 months...  90 days...

Fall was not really that cool and Spring was not really that warm...  but, it is better than freezing temps and wind.

We put out our deck furniture yesterday even though we have not yet opened our pool.  While the weather is still not the best, we will probably not be spending much time out on the deck for another couple of weeks.  More than likely our pool will be opened by the end of this month.

Our first trip to Myrtle Beach will take place during the last week of May and before families start bombarding the coast.  We stay in an ocean view condo that has a bedroom, bath, kitchen, dining table, living room, balcony.  We typically eat all our meals in the condo except for dinner.

Back to East TN:    While some of the trees are still trying to get their summer leaves, the weather is mild, without humidity but has a faint breeze.  It is a perfect time to be outside working.

Our three cats are spending more and more time on the screened-in back porch with the nice weather and our walking is now done outside around the neighborhood instead of inside...  where we would walk around a concrete oval track...   16 revolutions was a mile...   and, it was boring unless one watched the pickle ball players on the basketball courts.

Senior citizens paid a dollar a day to use the facilities or they could purchase a pass for $25 that gave one 30 visits.

I spend most of the year inside the house as my treatments prevent me from gettng too much sun exposure.  I am usually wearing a T-shirt and flannel PJ bottoms...  except when it gets warm, I usually wear shorts.  Every so often I wear sweats but most of the time they make me perspire.

Being retired is an easy life and one that I would not recommend because if you are retired, then you are probably experiencing numerous health issues which ain't that much fun...  Still, I wake up when I want to and shave every other day.  I've even been known to take an afternoon nap.

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