Saturday, April 22

Deferring to Liberals - AIN'T SMART

 Liberals usually have their heads so far up their asses they need glass belly buttons to see out of...   And yes...  this is one of my favorite expressions.  I doubt many liberals are interested in what I have to say but one day they will realize that most of the policies they support are ass-backwards as is their thinking.

Defund the police is one of those FAILED POLICIES...  in almost every major city where the police have been demonized and defunded...  there has been a mass exodus of residents to other locations outside of those cities and in many cases outside of those states.  Consequently, the local and state governments have less taxes to collect and less money to spend...  NOT SMART

Allowing our southern borders to be completely open will, in time, create another set of problems that will not just be targeting the south.  While immigrants will be taking many jobs that AMERICAN refuse to take, other issues will begin to surface like:
  1. an increasing number of slums
  2. an increasing number of crimes
  3. an increasing number of health issues since NO IMMIGRANTS are required to have shots
  4. a reduction of hospital supplies
  5. an increase in welfare expense
  6. an increase in illegal drugs
  7. an increase in child abuse and rape
  8. an increase in drivers without insurance
  9. an increase in immigrants going to public schools that don't speak English
  10. an increase in violence in K-12 between immigrants and Americans

Liberals want to move from a Democratic Republic form of government to a Socialistic form of government where the conservative view points are censored from the public.  Without two points of view government, then the USA will gravitate down towards a dictatorship type of government and/or communistic like North Korea, Russia, and China where MOST FREEDOMS ARE NON EXISTENT.  If the liberal care anything at all about this country, they will soon realize that ALL OF OUR LEGAL IMMIGRANTS came to the USA to get away from the type of governments that the liberal want to create...    NOT SMART

Going Green, Fighting Climate Change, and Ending Fossil Fuels is just plain ridiculous and reckless.  The main countries in the world like: Russia, China, India, Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South American ARE NOT GIVING UP FOSSIL FUELS...  it does not take a brain surgeon to see and realize what these other countries are doing.  But, the liberal don't believe that and have convinced themselves that the world will follow their example...  ANYBODY WHO BELIEVES THAT DESERVES TO GET THE BIG CHILI UP THE BROWN EYE...  NOT SMART

The Liberals believe that all these social programs are going to be paid for by the WEALTHY...  like George Soros, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, etc.  Well...  let me tell you something about that plan.  Those wealthy people, first of all are not STUPID...  so they have most of their taxable income hidden in off shore bank accounts in the Caymans.  So, who do you think is going to pay all those taxes?  That was a rhetorical question.   If we don't get it from taxes, we either print up more money (diluting the value of the US Dollar and increasing inflation) or we borrow it from foreign countries...  also will have negative consequences on our economy...   NOT SMART 

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