Saturday, April 8

Robots Will Serve the Wealthy

 The annual median income in 2021 was $54,132.

The average income in 2021 was $87,432.

Why the difference?

To find the average, you take the gross US income and divide it by the total number of workers.

To find the median, you take that number that is in the middle where half the people make more and half the people make less.

Average and Median are different but many people think they are the same...

So, whether you are looking at the median income or the average income, the odds are, robots are going to take your job.

  1. All manufacturing and assembly jobs can be done by robots
  2. All teaching, instructor, or college professor jobs can be done by robots.
  3. All customer service jobs can be done by robots.
  4. All retail jobs can be done by robots.
  5. Many medical profession jobs can be done by robots.
  6. All military jobs can be done by robots.
  7. All wars can be frought by robots.
  8. All driving jobs can be done by robots.
  9. All farming and harvesting jobs can be done by robots.
  10. All media broadcasting shows (news) can be done by robots.
  11. All lawncare jobs can be done by robots.
  12. All maintenance jobs can be done by robots.

In short, most all our jobs can be done by robots, so who does that leave who will not lose their jobs?


If most Ameridcans loose their jobs, there will not be spectators at professional sports competitions unless they are the wealthy.  Those athletes will no longer be paid large salaries.  The same holds true for golf, basketball, baseball, tennis as well as musical concerts...  unless you are wealthy.

What will the rest of us do to earn money when we loose our jobs?

Believe it or not, this will start to unfold in 2025 and be almost complete by 2030...  it is not just in the USA that this will happen but all over the world.  It is cheaper (in the long run) to hire robots...
  • They don't need breaks
  • They don't get sick
  • They don't take vacations
  • They don't get pregnant
  • They don't ask for raises
  • They don't sabotage

What will the rest of us do?
How will we pay our bills?
What is the point of going to college?

Each time we improve technology we must look at all the unintended consequences of our actions...  not just the short term benefits...

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