Sunday, April 9

On This Easter Sunday

Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament of the Bible, the event is said to have occurred three days after Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died in roughly A.D. 30.

Death and resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith.  And, if you properly believe in all of that, when you die, you will be resuurected, like Jesus, into heaven.  It is this hope and our faith in this hope that forms the foundation of our faith...

HOWEVER, is it true?

Why has God and/or Jesus not appeared to us again for over 2,000 years?
And, why did HE appear to us 2,000 years ago?

What is God/Jesus waiting for to take place on the planet earth before they reappear again?  Or, was that appearance the one and only time?

IF God/Jesus loves us like we are told, why have they not shown that love for over 2,000 except in a few miracles that are targeted to a selective group of people and not to everybody?

Why are the people of AFRICA left out of all this religious beliefs except through a few missionaries that have gone there?

Why didn't God/Jesus visit them as they/he did in the middle east?

There are just too many questions for a person to have 100% faith.

I personally believe that there is or was some sort of creator that has coordnated and orchestrated the creation of the universe.
I don't know why this happened but it did and that is a fact that we can see and measure.

Is this creator our God/Jesus or simple an EXTRATERRESTRIAL?

For me, it makes more sense that our God is an extraterrestrial and the reason why we have not seen God/Jesus again is that it takes time to travel here.

It is said that if one travels at the speed of light that time STOPS...  Now, we know that we have the movement of time...  we can see it every day and we can see it in our aging.  So, is it time that is stopping God/Jesus from returning?  And, if they returned, would that mean that time stops?  OR, is it death that stops time?

We may not ever find out the answers to these questions so we may never know if there is really a God/Jesus, even though we are led to believe that there is one.

And, if we find out when we die...  what does like look like then?  Are we alive as a SPIRIT or do we get another body?  What would life be like as a SPIRIT?
Will we eat and drink and sleep?
Will we have sexual relationships?
Will we feel pain or love?

Right now there is a 50/50 chance that any of this will happen...  either it does or it does not...  those are the odds.

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