Sunday, April 16

Life is just a Cage

"The sun don't shine on the same dog's ass every day..." is an East TN expression that I have grown to like as it applies to so many Liberals of which I have become aware in the Washington, DC area of this country...  representing us in Congress or in the WHITE HOUSE.

The sad thing is that our votes put them there...  and, I cannot imagine that there are that many Democrats who really believe in a weak military, illegal immigration, unregulated crime and violence in our major cities, and the WOKENESS that seems to be flowing through our society like the BLACK PLAGUE...  Pun intended.

We are on the verge of change and most old people need to frigging get out of the way and let change happen, even if we older people perceive that this change is NOT FOR THE BETTER.

Our Democratic Republic was nothing more than an experiment that NO OTHER country had ever tried before.  We grew incredibly strong, incredibly fast and tried to control the world because we believed our way of life was the best for everybody.


  • Some people want to be controlled by a dictator
  • Some people want to be controlled by a communist country
  • Some people want to be controlled by Arabs who believe in SHARIA LAW
  • Some people want to be controlled by an inherently corrupt government
  • Some people just do not want the responsibility of having FREEDOMS as they have no self discipline
  • Some people want to keep their childish mentalities
  • Some people enjoy living without anything but their spiritual faith and guidance

Net worth is not always an accurate measurement of WEALTH or being WEALTHY.  Financial Liquidity is a measure of WEALTH.  If you have a liquidity of $5 million or more, then you are WEALTHY and governments will leave you alone once they realize you have hidden your money away from them.  If you try to arrest them, the odds are they will be informed will enough time to leave the country.

Stupid dictators have tried to control the wealthy and all of them have failed miserably.

There are more people than you realize that have a liquidity of $5 million or more living in the USA...  These people believe in liberal governments as long as they don't try to take their money.

Most of you middle class workers made these people millionaires because of the things that you buy like:
  • computers
  • tablets
  • cell phone
  • cinema tickets
  • automobiles
  • tickets to concerts
  • tickets to professional sports
  • alcohol and tobacco
  • clothes and shoes
  • cosmetics
NOTE: did you know the first black female millionaire in the USA sold cosmetics door to door...

A vast majority of Americans want to be kept in a cage like a Labrador Retriever who appears to want as much freedom as it can get, when it reality, it comfortable with the security of a cage.  They only have freedom because we gave it to them...  they are not good at handling their freedom.

People remain in the lower classes financially, even though they bitch about it, because they feel comfortable there.  They have no desire to think for themselves or take responsibility for their actions or lack of actions.

Death is the great equilizer...  We all die, regardless of how much money we have or how much control we have or how big our cage is.  Death always has the last word.

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