Wednesday, April 12


My parents raised me a DEMOCRAT but after receiving an MBA, I decided that the Democratic Party was incorrect in its approach.

HOWEVER, the Republicans seem to care more about the wealthy than they do the middle class and/or the general public.  Yes, it is true that many billionaires are Democrats but they use Republican principles in managing their money and their companies.

The Republicans gave us NIXON and BUSH Jr who LIED about WMDs and as a result we went to war in the Middle East.  Then, we had Reagan who believed in supply side economics, followed by TRUMP who built up then destroyed America because of his polarization attitude and behavior.

The USA has been moving toward SOCIALISM ever since WWII even though the Republicans say they are against Socialism...   EVERYTHUING PUBLIC is SOCIALISM...  imagine that!!!  and, our biggest move towards SOCIALISM is SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE...  the only real difference between a democratic republic and socialism is we do not own business and industry yet.

I have lived in the LOWER MIDDLE CLASS all my life and I personally believe that the WEALTHY MILLIONAIRES and BILLIONAIRES should pay for the rest of us.  Do you really think that they need all that money?

ROBOTS are going to replace jobs and it will be up to the BILLIONAIRES to give the rest of us an annual salary since we will no longer be able to work.

We should have the following FREE:

  1. Education
  2. Income
  3. Housing
  4. Food
  5. Medical
  6. Clothing
  7. Transportation

In order to achieve these goals, we must keep the Republicans out of political office FOREVER...
  • We need to resdistrict in all states to create Democratic Power Districts
  • We need to make sure high education is liberal
  • We need to make sure that mainstream media is liberal
  • We need to make sure that the courts are liberal
  • We need to make sure that DOJ/FBI are liberal
  • We need to make sure the military is liberal
  • We need to make sure the governors are liberal
  • We need to make sure the supreme court always remains liberal

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