Thursday, April 13

FAMILIES Not COLOR Make One Successful

 We are very lucky to have been born in the United States of America, but if you have been born BLACK...  then life has not been so wonderful for you...  at least, according to the black community who has been bitching about that for several years.

  • Blacks are citizens of the USA
  • Blacks are protected by the Bill of Rights
  • Blacks are protected by the Constitution
  • Blacks receive equal justice under the law except for those Americans (white or black) that are wealthy
  • Blacks can graduate from high school
  • Blacks can attend college just like those whites who have to work while attending college
  • Blacks can own property and move freely from one state to the other
  • Blacks can join the military if they so desire
  • Blacks can become President if that is their desire

There are more blacks incarcerated than whites and this is because more blacks commit crimes than whites.  However, the blacks say that they commit more crimes because they did not have the advantages of LIVING IN THE BETTER NEIGHBORHOODS...

They commit more crimes because they did not have the proper counseling when young...  so if you provide us with more counselors, then we will become better citizens and commit less crimes...


Blacks say if they had better jobs, they would be better citizens and commit less crimes...


Blacks say if you give us reparations of $5,000,000 because our ancestors were slaves, then we will be better citizens and commit less crime...

SO, LET'S GIVE THEM $5,000,000

I would be willing to make a gentleman's bet that none of these proposed solutions will work...  AND, the reason why they will not work is because there have been MANY MANY BLACKS who have risen above all this bullshit and become very famous and wealthy, despite all the limitations that these less fortunate blacks CLAIM is working against them.

  • Madam CJ Walker was the first black female millionaire in the USA in the 1900s
  • Shonte Jovan-Taylor - top neuroscientist
  • Barrack Obama was the first black President of the USA
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • George Washington Carver
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Mohammed Ali
  • Denzel Washington
  • Michael Jordan
  • Charles Barkley
  • Whitney Houston
  • Tina Turner
  • Michael Jackson
  • Ray Charles
  • Prince
  • Jesse Owens
  • Lebron James

How is it that all of these people were successful???

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