Friday, April 7

Divide and Conquer

 This is one of the first rules of WAR...  if you can divide your enemy, you are more easily able to have victory over them...

Unfortunately, the USA does not think that it has any enemies, so the division inside this country is NOT A PROBLEM...

Is Biden compromised by the Chinese?  Quite possibly...

Was Trump compromised or did he collude with the Russians?  Absolutely not...

But, for the last 6+years, the Democrats and the mainstream media have been after Trump and all those attacks HAVE DIVIDED THIS COUNTRY...

Let's look at our divisions:

  1. Liberals versus Conservatives
  2. Republicans versus Democrats
  3. Trump Haters versus Trump Supporters
  4. Blacks versus Whites
  5. Religious versus Non Religious
  6. Educated versus Non Educated
  7. Weathy versus Not so Wealthy
NOTE: you may not think there is a difference between the first two, but I can assure you there is a difference...  not all Democrats support the views of the liberals like: abortion, gay rights, transgenered, crt, and equity...  but they do support large government, high taxes, and more services to the citizens...   I would also say that no all Democrats support ending fossil fuels so quick without the infrastructure to back it up...  while at the same time would like to put balls to the wall in going green.

The indictment of former President Trump who is the GOP front runner for President in 2024 is being criticized by leaders of countries all over the world...
Because indicting the leading opposition candidate, whether the charges are fair or not, is what DICTATORS and COMMUNIST countries do to insure re-election.
The USA is no longer the GLOBAL BENCHMARK for democracy...
and, while you may not think that is a big deal, it really is.

If we are just like Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, then we are no longer special in the world and there is NO NEED for the rest of the countries TO FOLLOW OUR LEAD...  because our lead has been tarnished.

This indictment will be used by our enemies to show the rest of the world that the USA is JUST LIKE THEM...  so, why not support us instead of the USA?

Those Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives who think the indictment of Trump is the next best thing since sliced bread, ARE NOT LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE...  they are blinded by their personal feelings and biases.

In 2030 or earlier when the world turns against the USA, the Trump Haters are going to wonder WTF just happened?
  • Countries no longer seeing the USA as their role model
  • Countries no longer wanting to us the US dollar
  • Countries no longer wanting to support the USA at the UN
  • Countries no longer wanting the USA to be in NATO
  • Countries deciding they are better off supporting China
  • Countries who would rather trade with China than the USA

What the Trump Haters also do not understand nor do they want to accept is the fact that:
  • China is our enemy not our friend
  • China's GDP is bigger than ours based upon population
  • China's military is bigger than our military
  • China's navy is bigger than our navy
  • China's air force is bigger than our air force
  • China wants to dominate and lead the world

What does the USA have that the rest of the world does not have yet?
MORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS - which will not make much difference if we are all DEAD...

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