There are absolutely no noises here in the sunroom except the sound of the keyboard as I type and the creaking of the sunroom walls as it adjusts to the gradually increasing temperatures.
Even the ceiling fan is silently running...
The recliner in which I am sitting was purchased from the previous owners who had a sale of items day for all those things they could not take with them. We had one two when we sold our previous home to move here, but gave most of our items away to Habitat for Humanity... it would have been nice to have a little extra money, but we did not need it.
We have both been retired since 2015 but ever since we moved into this new location, our retirement lives have never been as quiet and as serene as they are now. While there are young people living in this neighborhood, most of the people around us are also retired... there is no need for them to make a lot of noise - outside of when their grandchildren are visiting.
We have done more work to this house than we needed to do and we still have a few odds and ends to fix but there is no emergency and will probably get accomplished over the next 2-3 years.
There no longer seems to be an urgency in what we do, even if it is something that we need to do. The only time constraint on our lives right now are our doctor's appointments - they only allow a 15 minute late window before you have to make a new appointment.
We went over to my wife's son's camper last night for dinner and they wanted us to be there at a certain time... so, we have that constraint as well, but it is nothing critical to observe.
Other than that, we are just taking our time in whatever we do and enjoying the ability to do that. We don't have to work in the yard today, we can do it tomorrow or the next day.
But, what is amazing more than anything else is that we both have things that we enjoy doing and we NEVER GET BORED.