Monday, September 18
Galaxy Inside a Cosmic Ribbon
A composite image in radio and optical of NGC 4632. (J. English (U.Manitoba), with support of T. Jarrett (UCT) and the WALLABY team: ATNF/ASKAP:Suburu/Hyper Suprime Camera)
What we thought was a pretty normal spiral galaxy not far from the Milky Way has revealed a hidden surprise.
NGC 4632, some 56 million light-years away, is circled by a huge ring of gas that wraps around the galaxy at a highly inclined angle to its galactic plane. Why didn't we see it until now? It's invisible in most of the electromagnetic spectrum, appearing only when we stare at the sky with radio telescopes.
The discovery could put NGC 4632 in a class of extremely rare galaxies known as polar ring galaxies – but also suggests that these galaxies might not be as rare as we thought. Rather, NGC 4632 could mean that we've just been looking at them in the wrong light.
"The findings suggest that one to three per cent of nearby galaxies may have gaseous polar rings, which is much higher than suggested by optical telescopes. Polar ring galaxies might be more common than previously thought," says astrophysicist Nathan Deg of Queens University in Canada.
"While this is not the first time astronomers have observed polar ring galaxies, NGC 4632 is the first observed with ASKAP and there may be many more to come."
Polar ring galaxies are pretty much what they sound like: galaxies with a ring of material – dust, gas, and stars – that orbits around, or close to, the galaxy's poles; that is, perpendicular to the galactic plane. READ MORE...
Rule of 72
The Rule of 72 is a simplified formula that calculates how long it'll take for an investment to double in value, based on its rate of return. The Rule of 72 applies to compounded interest rates and is reasonably accurate for interest rates that fall in the range of 6% and 10%.
This rules states that if you divide the interest rate into 72, the resulting number approximates the number of years it takes for that money to double in value. So, if your interest rate is 8%, then your money will double ever NINE YEARS.
Let's take $50,000 in 2020 and use 10 years for convenience and say you are 20 years old...
$100,000 in 2030 - 30 years old
$200,000 in 2040 - 40 years old
$400,000 in 2050 - 50 years old
$800,000 in 2060 - 60 years old
$1,600,000 in 2070 - 70 years old
Today, people are retiring at 67 years of age and by the time a 20 year old retires, the retirement age will be 70 years of age. And, you can see by the above calculations that your money will have substantially grown.
Where do you get $50,000?
Well, for one, you could ask your parents for it instead of paying for college... Then, you could work and pay for college yourself.
If that is not an option, then save $2.50/day for 40 years and at the end of each month put that money in a mutual fund. At the end of 40 years, you will have $500,000. Now, if you are 20 years old and are just married and both you and your spouse are working then, each of you can save $2.50/day and reach age 60 with $1,000,000.
If this sounds too good to be true, then do research on the Rule of 72 and do research on Mutual Funds. You will find that Mutual Funds for the last 50-75 years have generated an annual interest rate of 10% when money is left in the account for 20 years.
This simple investing knowledge should be taught in high school, but it is not...
Atlantic Ocean Reflections
After having spent a week at Myrtle Beach, SC, watching and being mesmerized by the Atlantic Ocean and its consistent movements towards the shore, I am able to reflect upon my reflections there...
Sitting under an umbrella on the shoreline is an incredible experience and it is not just watching the beach walkers passing by, or the lifeguards doing their jobs, or all the seminude bodies lying around trying to tan their hides... it is the enormity of the ocean itself and its incredible power... a power that never subsides although it might slow down at low tide... but it never quits.
There is a sense of FREEDOM at the beach that is not like the freedom where you live. It is a seagull type of freedom that allows you to float and drift on the currents of the wind as if you have no cares or worries in the world, other than relaxing and enjoying nature's warmth and beauty.
There is a sense that time itself slows down and even though it moves just as fast as any time before, it just seems to take it time passing by. Sometimes you think that time is being pushed by the wind that oftentimes is still so that we can feel what the heat and humidity really feels like.
If you are a body surfer, there is a sense that the best waves are yet to come but the ones so far have been worth the ride. There is no sense of heat, no sense of currents, and no sense of danger that might be lurking around under the water. There is only you and the water and your tired, salty eyes looking for the next wave to ride. You are oblivious to everything else.
There is a sense of serene relaxation as you recline your seat back as far as it can go and just lay there, letting the sounds around you flow in and around and through you as if you were some specter and not a solid being. The moving sand stings your skin, but you feel nothing except the sounds of the waves and their rhythms as the water hits and creeps up the sand.
There is no sense of urgency at all during the entire day that you are out under your umbrella... or, in the shower you take as you get cleaned up to go out to dinner. I mean, you are on vacation, so why cook? However, once you leave your condo and your resort and enter the street trying to blend into the traffic, reality hits you... and the calmness turns to gentle anxiety because you know how to get to the restaurant you have selected and you know what lane you need to be in and how long you have to put up with this nonsense.
This has been your routine for over 30 years and each of those years, you have managed to spend at least one week at Myrtle Beach, and more often than not two weeks. There was only one year that you spent no time at the beach and that was due to COVID... even when they warned against it the second year you went anyway.
There is something MAGICAL about being at Myrtle Beach during the summer months.
Shaping the Future of Machine Learning
Few challenges are as formidable as building a quantum computer. It’s not just about wiring its components but also making them work together to produce accurate computation results despite the presence of noise that can introduce errors in quantum computations.
While you can write down a quantum computation as an abstract mathematical model, implementing it practically still means adjusting certain parameters, such as microwave pulses or lasers, which you can only do with limited precision. Thus, there would inevitably be a gap between the model you intended to implement and the actual outcome.
Qruise leverages machine learning to narrow this gap. By building a physical model from a quantum computer’s experimental data and comparing it to the intended behavior, Qruise helps physicists and engineers to improve their quantum computers. This also works for other quantum devices, such as quantum sensors, and other fields like photonics.
Founded as a spinoff from Forschungszentrum Jülich in late 2021 by Shai Machnes, Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, Tommaso Calarco, and Simone Montangero, Qruise raised funding from Constructor Capital and went through the Creative Destruction Lab startup program.
Learn more about the future of machine learning for quantum computing and beyond from our interview with the co-founder and CEO, Shai Machnes: Why Did You Start Qruise?
Even before Qruise, my co-founders and I were researching how to control quantum systems. At some point, more academic groups than we could handle as researchers wanted to collaborate with us, so we decided to found a company in late 2021.
Our initial focus was just quantum control, but we soon realized that the very same tools could be applied to quantum sensing or even other domains, like photonics.
When I think of Qruise today, we’re actually building a “machine learning physicist”—a system that can predict and control all kinds of physical processes. I already had this vision more than 15 years ago as a researcher, but I wasn’t able to realize it. With recent advances in computing power and data availability, machine learning has greatly improved, making it possible for us to pursue this vision. READ MORE...
Sunday, September 17
Death Over Life
I am listening to an Audible book entitled CONFESSOR by Terry Goodkind. The book is about ancient times, somewhere on earth is implied with magic, war wizards, everyday wizards, Sisters of Light, Sisters of Dark, Sorcerers,and Witches. These people are the good guys.
The bad guys are the Imperial Order that believe in a Creator and an afterlife and want to bring and end to the world of magic. The Imperial Order is cruel, brutal, and does not value life because the afterlife is more important than life wherever it is that they live.
This is the last book in a trilogy about the Imperial Order and the so called Sword of Truth. I did not listen to the other two, but after listening to this book, it was written in such a way that it is not contingent upon the other two. Although, I wish that I had listened to the other two first.
Not only is the plot of this novel turning the concept of religion upside down, but it also nonetheless poses some interesting questions and creates some interesting scenarios relative to one's faith... and the concept of caring more about life after death than living life here on earth.
I think there is a creator because it is logical to think that way... and, it is logical because of how complex the human body and mind are... it seem a tad illogical that this happened as a result of evolution over thousands of years.
The Bible which is the basis for most religions claims that earth is only 6,000 years old. That is impossible according to the carbon dating techniques of Science. Therefore, at least that part of the Bible is in error which makes me wonder about all the other parts.
What I think is that our Creator (God if you will) is an extraterrestrial and monkeyed with our DNA to create the kind of human being that we are today... allowing evolution to take us there once the tinkering had been done.
Now, back to CONFESSOR. Can or will we ever reach a state in our existence where we value DEATH more than LIFE? And, if that happens, will we not care about inflicting torture or death on our fellow man because we are sending them to a better place?
HOWEVER... if the Bible is wrong, then there is no heaven, there is no better place after death... dead is simply dead and that is all there is.
BUT THAT TOO IS ILLOGICAL... Why do we simply live for 80-100 years and then we are done... no more... caput... finished... Does that even make sense? If we are only going to live for that many years, then why give us life in the first place?
Using WD-40
Odds are, you already have a can of WD-40 in the pantry or under the sink. If you only break it out once in a blue moon though, then you’re missing out on this super product’s full potential. This multi-use must-have is a cleaning and home maintenance power house.
The “WD” in the product’s name stands for “Water Displacement,” and at its core, that’s what WD-40 does. However, it is also effective at degreasing and can act as a solvent. It’s taken 40 iterations to get the formula just right (hence WD-40), but like a magician, the company behind this miracle product won’t reveal their secrets and tell the world exactly what’s in WD-40. It’s a bit of a mystery, but it works like a dream.
Even though she’s not completely sure what’s in it, chemist Alexis Rochester says that WD-40 is one of her “favorite chemistry inventions of all time.” It comes in handy, she says, all around the house and even out into the yard. However, there are some instances when WD-40 should not be used. Keep this spray away from appliances with heat and from coming in contact with food, as it is flammable and non-edible. Other than that, the home is WD-40’s oyster. From the product’s most well-known functions to surprising applications, here’s how to use WD-40 around your home.
Eliminate Squeaks
WD-40’s signature function is lubricating creaky hinges. Spray it on a squeaking door hinge, drawer, or otherwise to make opening and closing it go smoother, and quieter. If the problem at hand is that the hinge is caked with dirt or dust, WD-40 can fix that, too.
Remove Stickiness
Duct-tape, stickers, labels, and stepped-on gum are no match for WD-40. Spritz on some to de-gunk any sticky residues or make it easier to detach something that has been stuck on.
Make Stainless Steel Shine
Stainless steel can’t be cleaned with any old cleanser. Follow our steps here to clean your appliances or go in with WD-40 which can clean, polish, and protect stainless steel. All those pesky fingerprints will simply vanish. READ MORE...
WD-40’s signature function is lubricating creaky hinges. Spray it on a squeaking door hinge, drawer, or otherwise to make opening and closing it go smoother, and quieter. If the problem at hand is that the hinge is caked with dirt or dust, WD-40 can fix that, too.
Remove Stickiness
Duct-tape, stickers, labels, and stepped-on gum are no match for WD-40. Spritz on some to de-gunk any sticky residues or make it easier to detach something that has been stuck on.
Make Stainless Steel Shine
Stainless steel can’t be cleaned with any old cleanser. Follow our steps here to clean your appliances or go in with WD-40 which can clean, polish, and protect stainless steel. All those pesky fingerprints will simply vanish. READ MORE...
Saturday, September 16
For the most part, we extol the value of capitalism and all the companies that are part of it. Capitalism allows us to pay for our social programs, continue medical research and development, and create programs that will result in this country becoming wealthier than it already is.
YES... it does create billionaires
YES... there is a pay gap between management and labor
YES... there are some corrupt CEOs who care only about their financial growth
YES... companies make decisions based upon feedback from stockholders which are not always in the best interest of the company or the employees
While those problems are manageable and regulated (to some degree), the biggest problem with Capitalism are BUYOUTS...
What do I mean by that?
BUYOUTS is when a large company decides it want to buy another company. It could be because that company is in financial trouble or it could be because that company has a lot of cash on hand.
Years ago, there were several large companies that wanted to buy BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES. As soon as the company was sold, the new owners sold all the divisions of the company to other companies because all they wanted was BI's blue jean division.
What was the end result?
When one company buys another company, there are many jobs that are duplicated, so there is no need to keep both jobs... so, they layoff people from the company that was purchased. It also possible that the purchasing company would rather have its people work at the company than those people who were working at the purchased company. Consequently, more layoffs.
Burlington Industries had over 5,000 employees and 80% of those employees were layoff. Without that income, families lost their homes, there was divorce, and the community lost the economic impact of wages being spent in the local economy.
Additionally, small stores like beauty salons, flower shops, gas stations, grocery stores, shoe stores, hardware stores, etc., had to also close their doors because of all the lost revenue.
Burlington Industries was located in the city of Burlington, North Carolina and that community was forever changed when BI was purchased.
I am not saying that there is a system out there that should replace Capitalism, but that Capitalism does have its flaws and those flaws should be recognized.
High Speed Train
On a recent test run, China’s high-speed maglev train, a technological masterpiece, clocked an astonishing speed of 281 miles per hour. (CREDIT: Creative Commons)
China, a nation long-famed for its groundbreaking technological feats, is once again in the limelight. This time, it’s not a skyscraper, a bridge, or a quantum computer, but a train. Not just any train, but the fastest train in the world.
On a recent test run, China’s high-speed maglev train, a technological masterpiece, clocked an astonishing speed of 281 miles per hour. This blistering pace not only sets the maglev as the fastest train globally, but it also begins to challenge the domain of commercial air travel.
As it stands, commercial flights maintain a cruising speed ranging between 545 mph and 574 mph. Yet, once fully developed and optimized, the engineers behind this incredible feat believe the maglev could soar to speeds of up to 621 mph.
The secret behind this prowess? A term that seems to have sprung from science fiction: "magnetic levitation" or maglev. The maglev system allows the train to almost float, as if by magic, minimizing the friction traditionally experienced with standard train tracks.
But this isn’t magic—it’s science. The heart of this system lies in its superconducting magnets, kept at bone-chilling temperatures to augment their magnetic strength. These magnets, stationed on the train, engage with metallic components on the walls of a specially designed low-vacuum pipeline.
The resultant interaction creates both levitation and propulsion, meaning the train rides on a cushion of air rather than traditional tracks. The outcome is not just heightened speed but also a reduction in noise pollution. READ MORE...
Friday, September 15
Tech Trends in 2024
Once again, we’ve reached the time of year when we look ahead at what technology has in store for us in 2024. Digital transformation doesn’t end – it’s an ongoing process, and the breakthrough trends that have made 2023 one of the most exciting years for innovation will continue to reshape our world in many exciting ways.
Machine intelligence, the blurring of the boundaries between the real and the virtual, and shaping the ongoing evolution of the internet will all radically impact our lives. But perhaps most important of all will be the search for ways to continue to grow and prosper while minimizing the damage we do to the environment – and perhaps even reversing some of the damage that’s been done in the past.
So here’s my overview of these game-changing trends, along with my predictions for how each of them will impact life, society and the planet.
Generative AI – Everyday Automation
2023 was the year that generative AI burst into the mainstream. 2024 will be the year that the world gets to grips with how truly powerful and useful it can be. Today, if you’re not a techie, just the phrase artificial intelligence (AI) can cause a shiver of fear – if you’re not worried about it taking over the world or destroying the human race, you might be nervously waiting for it to steal your job and make you redundant. TO READ ABOUT THE OTHERS, CLICK HERE...
Historical Photographs
Some early American history as seen via historical photos:
The following photos are rare! Enjoy a bit of lost history
evidenced here by some vintage ' Kodak Moments '!
Cowboys around the hoodlum wagon, Spur Ranch, Texas, 1910
Judging by the saddle style, this unidentified cowboy was working in the late 1870s or 1880s. In his holster, he carries a Colt model 1873 single action revolver with hard rubber grips, and he has looped his left arm around a Winchester model 1873 carbine in a saddle scabbard. On the back of the photo is the light pencil inscription 'Indian fighter'.
Snow Tunnel ~ On the Ouray and Silverton Toll Rd ~ Colorado ~ 1888
1899 Concord, Michigan Buggy & Wagon Shop
Thankful someone took the time to photograph this type of beauty
April 1937. Buttermilk Junction, Martin County, Indiana.
1887 - West Center Street, Anaheim, California.
Now we have Disneyland here!
Moser's, Guns, Banjo's, and Mules at the livery stable
in East Tennessee around 1890
In 1906, a massive magnitude 7.9 earthquake ruptured the entire San Andreas Fault in Northern California. That is a huge running crack in the ground. Now they are building houses right on the line as fast as the boards can be delivered. Hmmmm...
This is what real cowboys looked like in 1887.
Not as fancy as on TV, huh!
Some of the toughest, bravest people we know of. They gave it their all to go west and start a new life. This wagon train is in eastern Colorado in 1880.
This moose team belonged to W.R. (Billy/Buffalo Bill) Day. They were found by a Métis near Baptiste Lake, Alberta in 1910 and were reared by bottle and broken to drive by Mr. Day at Athabasca Landing during the winter of 1910. Mr. Day and the moose team hauled mail and supplies.
In the American Civil War, soldiers were required to have at least four opposing front teeth, so that they could open a gunpowder pouch. Some draftees had their front teeth removed to avoid service. In our day they just jumped the border into Canada.
Here we have a tired old prospector during the Klondike Gold Rush.
Lulu Parr - Her skill with the gun caught the attention of Pawnee Bill, who signed her to his show in 1903. Pawnee Bill later joined Buffalo Bill's show, and she was given his gun inscribed 'Buffalo Bill Cody to Lulu Parr - 1911.'
From the driver's seat of a 40-horse team. These rigs were used to haul Borax out of Boron California and then loaded onto railroad cars.
All this so people could do their laundry!
Hoops had to be removed before taking a seat in a carriage...
they were then hooked onto the back of the carriage.
A deer hunter living in a log, 1893. Tough guys live in tough places.
Home is where you make it!
Omaha Board of Trade in mountains near Deadwood, April 26, 1889. It was created in 1889 by John C. H. Grabill, photographer. The picture presents a procession of stagecoaches loaded with passengers coming down a mountain road.
This is a stunning photograph from 1862. The image shows a Civil War ambulance crew removing the wounded from a battlefield. It shows a horse-drawn ambulance,and the Zouave uniforms of this unit.
The following photos are rare! Enjoy a bit of lost history
evidenced here by some vintage ' Kodak Moments '!
Cowboys around the hoodlum wagon, Spur Ranch, Texas, 1910
Judging by the saddle style, this unidentified cowboy was working in the late 1870s or 1880s. In his holster, he carries a Colt model 1873 single action revolver with hard rubber grips, and he has looped his left arm around a Winchester model 1873 carbine in a saddle scabbard. On the back of the photo is the light pencil inscription 'Indian fighter'.
Snow Tunnel ~ On the Ouray and Silverton Toll Rd ~ Colorado ~ 1888
1899 Concord, Michigan Buggy & Wagon Shop
Thankful someone took the time to photograph this type of beauty
April 1937. Buttermilk Junction, Martin County, Indiana.
1887 - West Center Street, Anaheim, California.
Now we have Disneyland here!
Moser's, Guns, Banjo's, and Mules at the livery stable
in East Tennessee around 1890
In 1906, a massive magnitude 7.9 earthquake ruptured the entire San Andreas Fault in Northern California. That is a huge running crack in the ground. Now they are building houses right on the line as fast as the boards can be delivered. Hmmmm...
This is what real cowboys looked like in 1887.
Not as fancy as on TV, huh!
Some of the toughest, bravest people we know of. They gave it their all to go west and start a new life. This wagon train is in eastern Colorado in 1880.
This moose team belonged to W.R. (Billy/Buffalo Bill) Day. They were found by a Métis near Baptiste Lake, Alberta in 1910 and were reared by bottle and broken to drive by Mr. Day at Athabasca Landing during the winter of 1910. Mr. Day and the moose team hauled mail and supplies.
In the American Civil War, soldiers were required to have at least four opposing front teeth, so that they could open a gunpowder pouch. Some draftees had their front teeth removed to avoid service. In our day they just jumped the border into Canada.
Here we have a tired old prospector during the Klondike Gold Rush.
Lulu Parr - Her skill with the gun caught the attention of Pawnee Bill, who signed her to his show in 1903. Pawnee Bill later joined Buffalo Bill's show, and she was given his gun inscribed 'Buffalo Bill Cody to Lulu Parr - 1911.'
From the driver's seat of a 40-horse team. These rigs were used to haul Borax out of Boron California and then loaded onto railroad cars.
All this so people could do their laundry!
Hoops had to be removed before taking a seat in a carriage...
they were then hooked onto the back of the carriage.
A deer hunter living in a log, 1893. Tough guys live in tough places.
Home is where you make it!
Omaha Board of Trade in mountains near Deadwood, April 26, 1889. It was created in 1889 by John C. H. Grabill, photographer. The picture presents a procession of stagecoaches loaded with passengers coming down a mountain road.
This is a stunning photograph from 1862. The image shows a Civil War ambulance crew removing the wounded from a battlefield. It shows a horse-drawn ambulance,and the Zouave uniforms of this unit.
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