since the universe was created...
there has been a struggle between good and evil... even though in nature, there is no good or evil, just survival...
it is mankind that has interpreted survival as being a struggle between good and evil...
we portray this struggle from the stanpoint of colors or lack thereof... moving from white to black...
moving from dark to light... as in the darkness of night to the lightness of day...
If you are a painter, you understand that without darkness you have no light....
we visualize life around us in terms of the contrasts between light and dark... understanding that light only shows up if and when it is surrounded or bordered by dark colors...
Without the concept of evil, there was no goodness...
Let me explain...
In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, as the story goes, lived in a world of goodness.
Did they have a choice?
Yes... they could choose good or they could choose good...
Were they really offered a choice?
So, what happened? Evil was introduced in the form of a serpent (referred to as the devil) and from that point on, Adam and Eve did have a choice...
They could choose good or they could choose evil or a combination of the two...
Adam and Eve would be considered the light...
The serpent would be considered the dark...
Without these two choices, life has no choices... both must exist in our life...
Without the understanding of light and dark, we would just survive like the animals of nature...
But, that is not what our creator envisioned... is it?