Retired, kicked back, and likin' everyday... although, I am different than many people because I don't need nor do I want a lot of money... it is nice to travel and my wife and I enjoyed traveling and did a lot of it during the first 3 years of our retirement since we both retired at the same time... but now... we are not that interested in traveling to all these places that speak different languages, dress differently, and have food prepared in such a way that we don't know what it is or what we are eating...
Many might say that we are NARROW MINDED about this and to them I would reply... "yes, I suppose you are correct." But, I do believe that I have a right to be narrow minded if I choose to be that way... and, that your opinion is about as significant as a fart in a swimming pool.
My wife and I both worked about 45 years in low wage earning jobs, spent what we needed to spend and saved what we could save, and did only that which we thought that we should do...
Our home is modest and paid for and even now, we are saying that we need to downsize since this space is more than we really need... and, the only reason we are still here aside from the fact that our home is paid for is the fact that we have storage space that a smaller space would not offer unless a storage building was built or purchased.
Our healthcare is above average and while that may not seem like what we should accept, we do know that our physicians are using the latest information that has been created by the top notch healthcare facilities... so, all that remains is the skill level of the doctor in question... and, this can be debated and more than likely in some cases, would be critical.
We've been retired since 2015 and my father lived over 25 years after he retired, so if there is anything here to being his son, then I have another good 20 years to go. And, a lot of shit can happen in 20 years.
But, the best "thing" about being retired is that I have retired in EAST TN... and because of that location, I am far removed from all the crazy shit that is going on the cities throughout our country. I watch it on the Tele and all I can think of is that it is not happening here. TN is a conservative state and a state that likes its guns as well as its faith, although, I have no intentions of becoming a SOUTHERN BAPTIST and get really annoyed when some of these self-ordained preachers get WOUND UP... but even that is tolerable... in that I can just walk away from the conversation.
AND... whenever I take a notion to exercise, I can walk around the community, or I can use the treadmill and stationary bike we have downstairs, or I can go to the local gym free-of-charge because my health insurance provider has a SILVER SNEAKER program...
As my dad used to say... he was in hog heaven...
AND like I am fond of saying... everyday above ground is a good day.