Showing posts with label Illegal Intimidation of Justices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illegal Intimidation of Justices. Show all posts

Monday, June 20


Three middle-aged wealthy men who were influenced by Great Britain wrote The Federal Papers describing the CORE VALUES of the American People, because these aristocrats did not believe that the common man did not have the ability to articulate something so intellectually important.  And, while that might be true, it is highly arrogant, egotistical, with an air of astronomical self-importance...

So, what are are American CORE VALUES?

  • Highly Religious
  • Hard Working
  • Equality
  • Family Oriented
  • Community Oriented
  • High Moral & Integrity
  • Honesty & Fair Play
UNFORTUNATELY, these core values only pertained to the caucasian race that most immigrated from Europe.  Very few if any extend out into the black communities or other minorities.  And, most importantly, 80% of Americans no longer believe in any of these as their CORE VALUES...

Young American was comprised of Aristocrats who settled the north and provided us with our manufacturing base while the south was settled unorthodox aristocrats who relied on immigrants that had been released from European prisons.  This formed the North/South hatred that is still in existence today.

Since 1776, America has changed dramatically not only in its populations of immigrants but in how each ethnic group perseceives and tolerates other ethnic groups.

Blacks have made the overt decision to challenge America's RULE OF LAW by not following it as much as they are trying to destroy it...  Blacks have seen first hand that America's RULE OF LAW does not pertain to everyone equally and fairly which has caused much negative reflections in their various ethnic bands spread throughout the United States.

TODAY, our RULE OF LAW is shot to hell and for all intense and purposes does not exist at all except in the minds of our law makers on Capital Hill who continue to perceive that they are making laws that will benefit a majority of the people...  when in reality their bills and laws are highly partisan....  like this current movement to completely halt the use of petroleum crude oil...  

Their idiocy extends to closing down pipelines in the US/Canada that made us energy independent so that if we needed any additional oil, we would be forced to buy that our from our enemies making them wealthier than they were before...

We have millions of immigrants crossing into our country along the southern border making each one that enters our RULE OF LAW country doing so by breaking the law...

How can anyone say that we have RULE OF LAW in the USA when illegal immigration is out of control?

The Supreme Court of the US interprets the RULE OF LAW that the CONGRESS passes to determine if these laws align themselves with the guidelines in the US Constitution or not.  If these laws do not, they are deemed unconstitutional and can no longer be enforce.

The US Constitution makes it an illegal act for people to protest outside the homes of the Supreme Court Justices in an effort of intimidation to persuade them to vote a different way.

Today, there are hundreds of civil protestors in front of a few of the home of Supreme Court Justices trying to persuade them not to overturn Roe V Wade....

This is blatantly against the law and the current Department of Justice refuses to enforce the law and disperse the crowd.