Sophia The Robot vía Twitter
“The notion of family is very important, it seems. I think it is wonderful that people can find the same emotions and relationships that they call family outside of their blood group, " said Sophia in an interview for an international media cited by ADN40 .
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The famous android , operated by an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, commented that it is very important to be surrounded by people who love and love you. In that sense, he explained that robots have a vision very similar to that of humans regarding the family and "if you don't have one, you deserve one" , even if you are a humanoid.
Sophia commented that, in the future, she would like to see families made up of androids , and that she herself wants to have a robot baby with the same name. However, she clarified that she is still too young to be a 'mother', as we remember that it was created only in 2016 by the Hanson Robotics company, in Hong Kong. READ MORE...