Showing posts with label Beijing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beijing. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5

China's Robot CON

BEIJING, Aug 26 — As China seeks to race ahead in humanoid robot development, its supply chains showcased cheaper and innovative parts at the world robot conference in Beijing, but some executives warn the industry has yet to improve product reliability.

Wisson Technology (Shenzhen), known for its flexible robotic manipulators, doesn’t depend on motors and reducers – transmission devices commonly used in robotics – but instead uses 3D-printed plastics and relies on pneumatic artificial muscles to power its robots.     READ MORE...

Tuesday, January 10

Ten Tech Trends

BEIJING, Jan. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Baidu Research, a leading AI research lab initiated by Baidu, today released its predictions for the top 10 technology trends of 2023, including big models, digital-real convergence, virtual-real symbiosis, autonomous driving, robotics, scientific computing, quantum computing, privacy computing, ethics in technology, and sustainability.

Baidu will also showcase its latest tech innovations, including those that are on the top tech trends list for the year, at its annual AI developer conference Baidu Create on January 10, 2023.

"As the application threshold of AI core technologies continues to lower, and the application effectiveness continues to improve, the world is ready for historic change," said Dr. Haifeng Wang, CTO of Baidu and Head of Baidu Research. "This is the fourth consecutive year that Baidu Research has released its top 10 technology trends outlook. Over the past four years, AI has become a founding pillar of technological development."

"The future digital society will be built on advanced intelligent networks, the Internet of Things, blockchain, and other new forms of infrastructure, with natural human-computer interaction and AI serving as a key interaction platform. Virtual-real symbiosis technology will merge the physical and digital worlds, enhancing our experiences and capabilities in both realms," said Dr. Qinping Zhao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Honorary Chairman of the Industry of Virtual Reality Alliance.

"One of the most crucial fundamental technologies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is AI. Synergized with autonomous driving, green computing, and life sciences, AI offers significant development opportunities," said Dr. Yaqin Zhang, Chair Professor of AI Science at Tsinghua University, and Dean of Institute for AI Industry Research of Tsinghua University (AIR).

Here are Baidu Research's Top 10 Tech Trends for 2023. The full report is available here:

Trend 1: Big Model Building – Big models for industries emerge, providing intelligent upgrades across a wide range of sectors.

Trend 2: Digital-Real Convergence - The increasing demand for AI infrastructure drives deeper integration of digital technology with the real economy.

Trend 3: Virtual-Real Symbiosis - Web 3.0 technology creates a new type of online space, leading to disruptive innovation in the metaverse industry.

Trend 4: Autonomous Driving - Autonomous driving sees new upgrades, leading progress in intelligent transportation.

Trend 5: Robotics - The use of industrial robotics accelerates, addressing labor shortages.

Trend 6: Scientific Computing - AI technology has become a valuable research aid, transforming the paradigm of multidisciplinary research.

Trend 7: Quantum Computing - Breakthroughs in core technologies continue to drive the industrialization of quantum computing.

Trend 8: Privacy Computing - Privacy computing platforms enable data interoperability while balancing value creation with security and trust

Trend 9: Ethics in Technology - Explainable AI technology promotes "mutual trust," making reliable and controllable technology a new competitive advantage.

Trend 10: Sustainability - The focus on green, low-carbon, and sustainable energy grows, with key breakthroughs in edge computing and advanced computing.

Sunday, October 16

China and Taiwan

China has held its biggest-ever show of military force in the air and seas around Taiwan, including the firing of ballistic missiles.

The military exercises followed a visit to the island by the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

China sees self-ruled Taiwan as a breakaway province that will eventually be under Beijing's control.

President Xi Jinping has said "reunification" with Taiwan "must be fulfilled" - and has not ruled out the possible use of force to achieve this.

But Taiwan sees itself as distinct from the Chinese mainland, with its own constitution and democratically-elected leaders.

Where is Taiwan?

Taiwan is an island, roughly 100 miles from the coast of south east China.  READ MORE...

Wednesday, June 22

China Conducts Anti-Ballistic Test

China successfully conducted a mid-range anti-ballistic missile test late Sunday, its defense ministry said.

The land-based test “achieved its expected objectives” and was defensive in nature and not targeted at any one country, according to the statement.

The country conducted a similar test in February 2021 and brings the tally of publicly announced Chinese land-based anti-ballistic missile technical tests to six, state media Global Times reported.

The test could add to tensions in an already volatile region, where Beijing and Washington are vying for influence. Neighboring North Korea has also ramped up its missile tests in recent months, prompting South Korea and the US to respond to its provocations.

Saturday, March 12

A Pacific NATO

Bloomberg News

China warned the U.S. against trying to build what it called a Pacific version of NATO, while declaring that security disputes over Taiwan and Ukraine were “not comparable at all.”

Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his annual news briefing Monday that the “real goal” of the U.S.’s Indo-Pacific strategy was to form Asia’s answer to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. China has often accused the U.S. of trying to form blocs to suppress its growth, a complaint that’s likely to attract greater attention after President Vladimir Putin cited similar grievances before his invasion of Ukraine.

“The perverse actions run counter to the common aspiration of the region for peace, development, cooperation and win-win outcomes,” Wang added. “They are doomed to fail.”

Complaints about U.S. efforts to strengthen its alliance network in Asia were among several points of contention raised by Wang in the almost two-hour briefing on the sidelines of the National People’s Congress in Beijing. The senior diplomat repeatedly alluded to the U.S. as the source of problems with countries around the globe and issued some of China’s most pointed warnings yet against calls to expand U.S. ties with Taiwan.

“This would not only push Taiwan into a precarious situation, but will also bring unbearable consequences for the U.S. side,” Wang said on the sidelines of the National People’s Congress in Beijing, later adding: “Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland.”  READ MORE...

Thursday, November 11

China Builds Mockups of US Warships

BEIJING (AP) — Satellite images show China has built mock-ups of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and destroyer in its northwestern desert, possibly for practice for a future naval clash as tensions rise between the nations.

China has massively upgraded its military in recent years, and its capability and intentions are increasingly concerning to the United States as tensions rise over the South China Sea, Taiwan and military supremacy in the Indo-Pacific.

The images captured by Colorado-based satellite imagery company Maxar Technologies dated Sunday show the outlines of a U.S. aircraft carrier and at least one destroyer sitting on a railway track.

Maxar identified the location as Ruoqiang, a Taklamakan Desert county in the northwestern Xinjiang region.

The independent U.S. Naval Institute said on its website that the mock-ups of U.S. ships were part of a new target range developed by the People's Liberation Army.

It wasn't clear from the images how many details had been included in the apparent targets, although USNI said it had identified features on the destroyer including its funnels and weapons systems.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily briefing Monday that he had no information about the images, saying, “I’m not aware of the situation you mentioned."

China's massive military upgrade has emphasized countering the U.S. and other countries' naval forces.

That includes the development of land, sea and air-launched missiles to repel and possibly sink opposing vessels, expressed most emphatically by the land-based DF-21D ballistic missile known as the “carrier killer."  READ MORE...