Saturday, October 8

S O S Just Another Day

Today, we decided to close our pool for the winter...  I cannot remember if we did this earlier or later last year but that does not really matter.  This year, we are not reducting the water levels as we have done in all the other years of pool ownership because our contacts at the pool place that sells chemicals and stuff says not to...  although, on one of the items they sold us to close our pool with, does recommend lowering the water level...  so, we thought what the shit, let's do something different this year and now lower the water level...   I'll let you know what happens, if I can remember to do that...  but, at 75, who knows what the hell my mind might remember or not.

We trim bushes each years and put the cuttings on the road for pick up.  Our back cuttings are done, we just need to complete the front yard.  Yes, we know it is actually too early to do fall trimming but we don't care if our bushes live or not as we just as soon plant grass and mow instead of trim.

If all goes well, I will also drain the hot tub this weekend, clean it out, and refill it for use during the winter months.  I did not use it for over 5 months because of my back problems and surgery but I started using it again to try and relax my muscles which is the reason for cleaning.

Our pool and hot tub are almost 15 years old and they have lasted this long because we have taken care of them.  We have spent less than $5,000 maintaining them over these 14/15 years which averages out to less than $500 each year or less that $50 each month or about a $1.60 each day...  but, who the hell figures out what it costs them each day?  It certainly isn't me...  lol

While my finances are personal, my keen insight into financial planning, which is one of the classes I still teach at the university, has put me and my family in a position where we are not hurt by the current inflation...  in the sense that we have not yet had to cut back on anything.  Of course, our current lifestyle does not have us traveling like we did from 2015 to 2020.  During those years, we were going somewhere every other month.  And, that shit gets old as you get old.

At my age, I mainly eat fish, chicken, veges, and beans and very seldom do I ever eat red meat, fried food, or sweets and absolutly no alcohol or cigarettes.  I also walk 2-3 miles a day, once in the morning and once in the late afternoon.  When I do eat red meat, it is usually a cheeseburger or an everything pizza.

I don't give a damn about politics and politics does not give a damn about me.  But, the irony of politics in the US and possibly Canada is that over half of the world IS NOT GOING TO FOLLOW OUR LEAD when it comes to going green...  And that is going to make us look pretty damn foolish, to say the least...

I am really looking forward to watching an electric airplane take off and land...  I doubt I would ride in one.  I do have an electric chainsaw and tiller and vacuum cleaner.

Of course, I doubt I would fly on a nuclear airplane either even though I know there are nuclear submarines.

All in all, I have about another 20 years to live and a lot of shit can happen in twenty years.  I am sure that one of the first things that is in our near future is robots replacing over 80% of our jobs.  At that point, everybody gets to retire which is going to be crazy when it comes to going places...  we will all spend our time standing in lines...  just like in the military...  hurry up and wait.  Military mentality...  ain't nothing like it...  unless it is other government workers.

Well...   Imma gonna close...  doubt if anyone read this far or not...  but if you did...  see ya.

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